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======= Jeremiah 43:1 ============
Jer 43:1 But as soon as Jeremiah, whom the Lord their God had sent, had finished telling all the people all the words of the Lord their God--that is, all these words--(nas)
Jer 43:1 καὶ ἐν τῷ ἐνιαυτῷ τῷ τετάρτῳ Ιωακιμ υἱοῦ Ιωσια βασιλέως Ιουδα ἐγενήθη λόγος κυρίου πρός με λέγων (lxx)
Jer 43:1 Factum est autem, cum complesset Jeremias loquens ad populum universos sermones Domini Dei eorum, pro quibus miserat eum Dominus Deus eorum ad illos, omnia verba hæc,(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:1 Nowe when Ieremiah had made an ende of speaking vnto ye whole people all the wordes of the Lorde their God, for the which the Lorde their God had sent him to them, euen all these wordes,(Geneva)
Jer 43:1 Da Jeremia alle Worte des HERRN, ihres Gottes, hatte ausgeredet zu allem Volk, wie ihm denn der HERR, ihr Gott, alle diese Worte an sie befohlen hatte,(dhs)
Jer 43:1 Now it happened, when Jeremiah had stopped speaking to all the people all the words of the Lord their God, for which the Lord their God had sent him to them, all these words,(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:2 ============
Jer 43:2 Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the arrogant men said to Jeremiah, "You are telling a lie! The Lord our God has not sent you to say, 'You are not to enter Egypt to reside there'; (nas)
Jer 43:2 λαβὲ σεαυτῷ χαρτίον βιβλίου καὶ γράψον ἐπ᾽ αὐτοῦ πάντας τοὺς λόγους οὓς ἐχρημάτισα πρὸς σὲ ἐπὶ Ιερουσαλημ καὶ ἐπὶ Ιουδαν καὶ ἐπὶ πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ἀφ᾽ ἧς ἡμέρας λαλήσαντός μου πρός σε ἀφ᾽ ἡμερῶν Ιωσια βασιλέως Ιουδα καὶ ἕως τῆς ἡμέρας ταύτης (lxx)
Jer 43:2 dixit Azarias filius Osaiæ, et Johanan filius Caree, et omnes viri superbi, dicentes ad Jeremiam: Mendacium tu loqueris: non misit te Dominus Deus noster, dicens: Ne ingrediamini Ægyptum ut habitetis illuc.(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:2 Then spake Azariah the sonne of Hoshaiah, and Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the proude men, saying vnto Ieremiah, Thou speakest falsely: the Lorde our God hath not sent thee to say, Goe not into Egypt to dwell there,(Geneva)
Jer 43:2 sprachen Asarja, der Sohn Hosajas, und Johanan, der Sohn Kareahs und alle frechen Männer zu Jeremia: Du lügst; der HERR, unser Gott, hat dich nicht zu uns gesandt noch gesagt: Ihr sollt nicht nach Ägypten ziehen, daselbst zu wohnen;(dhs)
Jer 43:2 that Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the proud men spoke, saying to Jeremiah, "You speak falsely! The Lord our God has not sent you to say, 'Do not go to Egypt to dwell there.'(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:3 ============
Jer 43:3 but Baruch the son of Neriah is inciting you against us to give us over into the hand of the Chaldeans, so they will put us to death or exile us to Babylon."(nas)
Jer 43:3 ἴσως ἀκούσεται ὁ οἶκος Ιουδα πάντα τὰ κακά ἃ ἐγὼ λογίζομαι ποιῆσαι αὐτοῖς ἵνα ἀποστρέψωσιν ἀπὸ ὁδοῦ αὐτῶν τῆς πονηρᾶς καὶ ἵλεως ἔσομαι ταῖς ἀδικίαις αὐτῶν καὶ ταῖς ἁμαρτίαις αὐτῶν (lxx)
Jer 43:3 Sed Baruch filius Neriæ incitat te adversum nos, ut tradat nos in manus Chaldæorum, ut interficiat nos, et traduci faciat in Babylonem.(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:3 But Baruch ye sonne of Neriah prouoketh thee against vs, for to deliuer vs into the hand of the Caldeans, that they might slay vs, and cary vs away captiues into Babel.(Geneva)
Jer 43:3 sondern Baruch, der Sohn Nerias, beredet dich, uns zuwider, auf daß wir den Chaldäern übergeben werden, daß sie uns töten und gen Babel wegführen.(dhs)
Jer 43:3 But Baruch the son of Neriah has set you against us, to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, that they may put us to death or carry us away captive to Babylon."(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:4 ============
Jer 43:4 So Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces, and all the people, did not obey the voice of the Lord to stay in the land of Judah. (nas)
Jer 43:4 καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Ιερεμιας τὸν Βαρουχ υἱὸν Νηριου καὶ ἔγραψεν ἀπὸ στόματος Ιερεμιου πάντας τοὺς λόγους κυρίου οὓς ἐχρημάτισεν πρὸς αὐτόν εἰς χαρτίον βιβλίου (lxx)
Jer 43:4 Et non audivit Johanan filius Caree, et omnes principes bellatorum, et universus populus, vocem Domini, ut manerent in terra Juda.(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:4 So Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste, and all the people obeied not the voyce of the Lorde, to dwell in the lande of Iudah.(Geneva)
Jer 43:4 Also gehorchten Johanan, der Sohn Kareahs, und alle Hauptleute des Heeres samt dem ganzen Volk der Stimme des HERRN nicht, daß sie im Lande Juda wären geblieben;(dhs)
Jer 43:4 So Johanan the son of Kareah, all the captains of the forces, and all the people would not obey the voice of the Lord, to remain in the land of Judah.(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:5 ============
Jer 43:5 But Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces took the entire remnant of Judah who had returned from all the nations to which they had been driven away, in order to reside in the land of Judah-- (nas)
Jer 43:5 καὶ ἐνετείλατο Ιερεμιας τῷ Βαρουχ λέγων ἐγὼ φυλάσσομαι οὐ μὴ δύνωμαι εἰσελθεῖν εἰς οἶκον κυρίου (lxx)
Jer 43:5 Sed tollens Johanan filius Caree, et universi principes bellatorum, universos reliquiarum Juda, qui reversi fuerant de cunctis gentibus ad quas fuerant ante dispersi, ut habitarent in terra Juda,(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:5 But Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste tooke all the remnant of Iudah, that were returned fro al nations, whither they had bene driuen, to dwel in ye land of Iudah:(Geneva)
Jer 43:5 sondern Johanan, der Sohn Kareahs, und alle Hauptleute des Heeres nahmen zu sich alle Übrigen aus Juda, so von allen Völkern, dahin sie geflohen, wiedergekommen waren, daß sie im Lande Juda wohnten,(dhs)
Jer 43:5 But Johanan the son of Kareah and all the captains of the forces took all the remnant of Judah who had returned to dwell in the land of Judah, from all nations where they had been driven--(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:6 ============
Jer 43:6 the men, the women, the children, the king's daughters and every person that Nebuzaradan the captain of the bodyguard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan, together with Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch the son of Neriah--(nas)
Jer 43:6 καὶ ἀναγνώσῃ ἐν τῷ χαρτίῳ τούτῳ εἰς τὰ ὦτα τοῦ λαοῦ ἐν οἴκῳ κυρίου ἐν ἡμέρᾳ νηστείας καὶ ἐν ὠσὶ παντὸς Ιουδα τῶν ἐρχομένων ἐκ πόλεως αὐτῶν ἀναγνώσῃ αὐτοῖς (lxx)
Jer 43:6 viros, et mulieres, et parvulos, et filias regis, et omnem animam quam reliquerat Nabuzardan princeps militiæ cum Godolia filio Ahicam filii Saphan, et Jeremiam prophetam, et Baruch filium Neriæ:(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:6 Euen men and women, and children, and the Kinges daughters, and euery person, that Nebuzar-adan the chiefe steward had left with Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam, ye sonne of Shaphan, and Ieremiah the Prophet, & Baruch the sonne of Neriah.(Geneva)
Jer 43:6 nämlich Männer, Weiber und Kinder, dazu die Königstöchter und alle Seelen, die Nebusaradan, der Hauptmann, bei Gedalja, dem Sohn Ahikams, des Sohnes Saphans, hatte gelassen, auch den Propheten Jeremia und Baruch, den Sohn Nerias,(dhs)
Jer 43:6 men, women, children, the king's daughters, and every person whom Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch the son of Neriah.(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:7 ============
Jer 43:7 and they entered the land of Egypt (for they did not obey the voice of the Lord) and went in as far as Tahpanhes. (nas)
Jer 43:7 ἴσως πεσεῖται ἔλεος αὐτῶν κατὰ πρόσωπον κυρίου καὶ ἀποστρέψουσιν ἐκ τῆς ὁδοῦ αὐτῶν τῆς πονηρᾶς ὅτι μέγας ὁ θυμὸς καὶ ἡ ὀργὴ κυρίου ἣν ἐλάλησεν ἐπὶ τὸν λαὸν τοῦτον (lxx)
Jer 43:7 et ingressi sunt terram Ægypti, quia non obedierunt voci Domini, et venerunt usque ad Taphnis.(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:7 So they came into the lande of Egypt: for they obeied not the voice of the Lorde: thus came they to Tahpanhes.(Geneva)
Jer 43:7 und zogen nach Ägyptenland, denn sie wollten der Stimme des HERRN nicht gehorchen, und kamen nach Thachpanhes.(dhs)
Jer 43:7 So they went to the land of Egypt, for they did not obey the voice of the Lord. And they went as far as Tahpanhes.(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:8 ============
Jer 43:8 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying, (nas)
Jer 43:8 καὶ ἐποίησεν Βαρουχ κατὰ πάντα ἃ ἐνετείλατο αὐτῷ Ιερεμιας τοῦ ἀναγνῶναι ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ λόγους κυρίου ἐν οἴκῳ κυρίου (lxx)
Jer 43:8 Et factus est sermo Domini ad Jeremiam in Taphnis, dicens:(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:8 Then came the worde of the Lord vnto Ieremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,(Geneva)
Jer 43:8 Und des HERRN Wort geschah zu Jeremia zu Thachpanhes und sprach:(dhs)
Jer 43:8 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:9 ============
Jer 43:9 "Take some large stones in your hands and hide them in the mortar in the brick terrace which is at the entrance of Pharaoh's palace in Tahpanhes, in the sight of some of the Jews; (nas)
Jer 43:9 καὶ ἐγενήθη ἐν τῷ ἔτει τῷ ὀγδόῳ βασιλεῖ Ιωακιμ τῷ μηνὶ τῷ ἐνάτῳ ἐξεκκλησίασαν νηστείαν κατὰ πρόσωπον κυρίου πᾶς ὁ λαὸς ἐν Ιερουσαλημ καὶ οἶκος Ιουδα (lxx)
Jer 43:9 Sume lapides grandes in manu tua, et abscondes eos in crypta quæ est sub muto latericio in porta domus Pharaonis in Taphnis, cernentibus viris Judæis:(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:9 Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the claie in the bricke kil, which is at the entrie of Pharaohs house in Tanpanhes in ye sight of the men of Iudah,(Geneva)
Jer 43:9 Nimm große Steine und verscharre sie im Ziegelofen, der vor der Tür am Hause Pharaos ist zu Thachpanhes, daß die Männer aus Juda zusehen;(dhs)
Jer 43:9 "Take large stones in your hand, and hide them in the sight of the men of Judah, in the clay in the brick courtyard which is at the entrance to Pharaoh's house in Tahpanhes;(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:10 ============
Jer 43:10 and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel," Behold, I am going to send and get Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant, and I am going to set his throne right over these stones that I have hidden; and he will spread his canopy over them. (nas)
Jer 43:10 καὶ ἀνεγίνωσκε Βαρουχ ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τοὺς λόγους Ιερεμιου ἐν οἴκῳ κυρίου ἐν οἴκῳ Γαμαριου υἱοῦ Σαφαν τοῦ γραμματέως ἐν τῇ αὐλῇ τῇ ἐπάνω ἐν προθύροις πύλης τοῦ οἴκου κυρίου τῆς καινῆς ἐν ὠσὶ παντὸς τοῦ λαοῦ (lxx)
Jer 43:10 et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum, Deus Israël: Ecce ego mittam et assumam Nabuchodonosor regem Babylonis, servum meum: et ponam thronum ejus super lapides istos quos abscondi, et statuet solium suum super eos:(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:10 And say vnto them, Thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel, Beholde, I will sende and bring Nebuchad-nezzar the King of Babel my seruant, and will set his throne vpon these stones that I haue hid, and he shall spread his pauilion ouer them.(Geneva)
Jer 43:10 und sprich zu ihnen: So spricht der HERR Zebaoth, der Gott Israels: Siehe, ich will hinsenden und meinen Knecht Nebukadnezar, den König zu Babel, holen lassen und will seinen Stuhl oben auf diese Steine setzen, die ich verscharrt habe; und er soll sein Gezelt darüberschlagen.(dhs)
Jer 43:10 and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: "Behold, I will send and bring Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant, and will set his throne above these stones that I have hidden. And he will spread his royal pavilion over them.(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:11 ============
Jer 43:11 He will also come and strike the land of Egypt; those who are meant for death will be given over to death, and those for captivity to captivity, and those for the sword to the sword. (nas)
Jer 43:11 καὶ ἤκουσεν Μιχαιας υἱὸς Γαμαριου υἱοῦ Σαφαν ἅπαντας τοὺς λόγους κυρίου ἐκ τοῦ βιβλίου (lxx)
Jer 43:11 veniensque percutiet terram Ægypti, quos in mortem, in mortem, et quos in captivitatem, in captivitatem, et quos in gladium, in gladium:(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:11 And when he shall come, he shal smite the land of Egypt: such as are appoynted for death, to death, and such as are for captiuitie, to captiuitie, and such as are for the sword to the sword.(Geneva)
Jer 43:11 Und er soll kommen und Ägyptenland schlagen, und töten, wen es trifft, gefangen führen, wen es trifft, mit dem Schwert schlagen, wen es trifft.(dhs)
Jer 43:11 When he comes, he shall strike the land of Egypt and deliver to death those appointed for death, and to captivity those appointed for captivity, and to the sword those appointed for the sword.(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:12 ============
Jer 43:12 And I shall set fire to the temples of the gods of Egypt, and he will burn them and take them captive. So he will wrap himself with the land of Egypt as a shepherd wraps himself with his garment, and he will depart from there safely. (nas)
Jer 43:12 καὶ κατέβη εἰς οἶκον τοῦ βασιλέως εἰς τὸν οἶκον τοῦ γραμματέως καὶ ἰδοὺ ἐκεῖ πάντες οἱ ἄρχοντες ἐκάθηντο Ελισαμα ὁ γραμματεὺς καὶ Δαλαιας υἱὸς Σελεμιου καὶ Ελναθαν υἱὸς Ακχοβωρ καὶ Γαμαριας υἱὸς Σαφαν καὶ Σεδεκιας υἱὸς Ανανιου καὶ πάντες οἱ ἄρχοντες (lxx)
Jer 43:12 et succendet ignem in delubris deorum Ægypti, et comburet ea, et captivos ducet illos, et amicietur terra Ægypti sicut amicitur pastor pallio suo, et egredietur inde in pace:(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:12 And I wil kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt, and he shall burne them and carie them away captiues, and he shall aray himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepheard putteth on his garment, and shall depart from thence in peace.(Geneva)
Jer 43:12 Und ich will die Häuser der Götter in Ägypten mit Feuer anstecken, daß er sie verbrenne und wegführe. Und er soll sich Ägyptenland anziehen, wie ein Hirt sein Kleid anzieht, und mit Frieden von dannen ziehen.(dhs)
Jer 43:12 I will kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt, and he shall burn them and carry them away captive. And he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd puts on his garment, and he shall go out from there in peace.(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 43:13 ============
Jer 43:13 He will also shatter the obelisks of Heliopolis, which is in the land of Egypt; and the temples of the gods of Egypt he will burn with fire."'" (nas)
Jer 43:13 καὶ ἀνήγγειλεν αὐτοῖς Μιχαιας πάντας τοὺς λόγους οὓς ἤκουσεν ἀναγινώσκοντος τοῦ Βαρουχ εἰς τὰ ὦτα τοῦ λαοῦ (lxx)
Jer 43:13 et conteret statuas domus solis quæ sunt in terra Ægypti, et delubra deorum Ægypti comburet igni.(vulgate)
Jeremiah 43:13 He shal breake also ye images of Beth-shemesh, that is in the lande of Egypt, and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shal he burne with fire.(Geneva)
Jer 43:13 Er soll die Bildsäulen zu Beth-Semes in Ägyptenland zerbrechen und die Götzentempel in Ägypten mit Feuer verbrennen.(dhs)
Jer 43:13 He shall also break the sacred pillars of Beth Shemesh that are in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians he shall burn with fire." ' "(nkjv)

======= Jeremiah 44:1 ============
Jer 44:1 The word that came to Jeremiah for all the Jews living in the land of Egypt, those who were living in Migdol, Tahpanhes, Memphis, and the land of Pathros, saying, (nas)
Jer 44:1 καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν Σεδεκιας υἱὸς Ιωσια ἀντὶ Ιωακιμ ὃν ἐβασίλευσεν Ναβουχοδονοσορ βασιλεύειν τοῦ Ιουδα (lxx)
Jer 44:1 Verbum quod factum est per Jeremiam ad omnes Judæos qui habitabant in terra Ægypti, habitantes in Magdalo, et in Taphnis, et in Memphis, et in terra Phatures, dicens:(vulgate)
Jeremiah 44:1 The worde that came to Ieremiah concerning all the Iewes, which dwell in the lande of Egypt, and remained at Migdol and at Tahpanhes, & at Noph, & in the coutry of Pathros, saying,(Geneva)
Jer 44:1 Dies ist das Wort, das zu Jeremia geschah an alle Juden, so in Ägyptenland wohnten, nämlich so zu Migdol, zu Thachpanhes, zu Noph und im Lande Pathros wohnten, und sprach:(dhs)
Jer 44:1 The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews who dwell in the land of Egypt, who dwell at Migdol, at Tahpanhes, at Noph, and in the country of Pathros, saying,(nkjv)

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