CHAPTERS in NASB, Latin Vulgate, Spanish, French, German, Greek (LXX & Nestle-Aland) and NKJV:
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======= Song of Solomon 3:1 ============
Sos 3:1 "On my bed night after night I sought him Whom my soul loves; I sought him but did not find him.(nasb)
Sos 3:1 [In lectulo meo, per noctes, quæsivi quem diligit anima mea: quæsivi illum, et non inveni.(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:1 Por las noches busqué en mi lecho al que ama mi alma; lo busqué, y no lo hallé.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:1 Sur ma couche, pendant les nuits, J'ai cherché celui que mon coeur aime; Je l'ai cherché, et je ne l'ai point trouvé...(F)
Sos 3:1 Des Nachts auf meinem Lager suchte ich, den meine Seele liebt. Ich suchte; aber ich fand ihn nicht.(D)
Sos 3:1 ἐπὶ κοίτην μου ἐν νυξὶν ἐζήτησα ὃν ἠγάπησεν ἡ ψυχή μου ἐζήτησα αὐτὸν καὶ οὐχ εὗρον αὐτόν ἐκάλεσα αὐτόν καὶ οὐχ ὑπήκουσέν μου(lxx)
Sos 3:1 The Shulamite By night on my bed I sought the one I love; I sought him, but I did not find him.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:2 ============
Sos 3:2 'I must arise now and go about the city; In the streets and in the squares I must seek him whom my soul loves. 'I sought him but did not find him.(nasb)
Sos 3:2 Surgam, et circuibo civitatem: per vicos et plateas quæram quem diligit anima mea: quæsivi illum, et non inveni.(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:2 Me levantaré ahora, y rodearé por la ciudad; por las calles y por las plazas buscaré al que ama mi alma: Lo busqué, y no lo hallé.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:2 Je me lèverai, et je ferai le tour de la ville, Dans les rues et sur les places; Je chercherai celui que mon coeur aime... Je l'ai cherché, et je ne l'ai point trouvé.(F)
Sos 3:2 Ich will aufstehen und in der Stadt umgehen auf den Gassen und Straßen und suchen, den meine Seele liebt. Ich suchte; aber ich fand ihn nicht.(D)
Sos 3:2 ἀναστήσομαι δὴ καὶ κυκλώσω ἐν τῇ πόλει ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς καὶ ἐν ταῖς πλατείαις καὶ ζητήσω ὃν ἠγάπησεν ἡ ψυχή μου ἐζήτησα αὐτὸν καὶ οὐχ εὗρον αὐτόν(lxx)
Sos 3:2 "I will rise now," I said, "And go about the city; In the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love." I sought him, but I did not find him.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:3 ============
Sos 3:3 "The watchmen who make the rounds in the city found me, And I said, 'Have you seen him whom my soul loves?'(nasb)
Sos 3:3 Invenerunt me vigiles qui custodiunt civitatem: Num quem diligit anima mea vidistis?(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:3 Me hallaron los guardas que rondan la ciudad, [y les dije]: ¿Habéis visto al que ama mi alma?(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:3 Les gardes qui font la ronde dans la ville m'ont rencontrée: Avez-vous vu celui que mon coeur aime?(F)
Sos 3:3 Es fanden mich die Wächter, die in der Stadt umgehen: "Habt ihr nicht gesehen, den meine Seele liebt?"(D)
Sos 3:3 εὕροσάν με οἱ τηροῦντες οἱ κυκλοῦντες ἐν τῇ πόλει μὴ ὃν ἠγάπησεν ἡ ψυχή μου εἴδετε(lxx)
Sos 3:3 The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, "Have you seen the one I love?"(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:4 ============
Sos 3:4 "Scarcely had I left them When I found him whom my soul loves; I held on to him and would not let him go Until I had brought him to my mother's house, And into the room of her who conceived me."(nasb)
Sos 3:4 Paululum cum pertransissem eos, inveni quem diligit anima mea: tenui eum, nec dimittam, donec introducam illum in domum matris meæ, et in cubiculum genetricis meæ.(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:4 Pasando de ellos un poco, hallé luego al que ama mi alma; trabé de él, y no lo dejé, hasta que lo metí en casa de mi madre, y en la cámara de la que me engendró.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:4 A peine les avais-je passés, Que j'ai trouvé celui que mon coeur aime; Je l'ai saisi, et je ne l'ai point lâché Jusqu'à ce que je l'aie amené dans la maison de ma mère, Dans la chambre de celle qui m'a conçue. -(F)
Sos 3:4 Da ich ein wenig an ihnen vorüber war, da fand ich, den meine Seele liebt. Ich halte ihn und will ihn nicht lassen, bis ich ihn bringe in meiner Mutter Haus, in die Kammer der, die mich geboren hat.(D)
Sos 3:4 ὡς μικρὸν ὅτε παρῆλθον ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶν ἕως οὗ εὗρον ὃν ἠγάπησεν ἡ ψυχή μου ἐκράτησα αὐτὸν καὶ οὐκ ἀφήσω αὐτόν ἕως οὗ εἰσήγαγον αὐτὸν εἰς οἶκον μητρός μου καὶ εἰς ταμίειον τῆς συλλαβούσης με(lxx)
Sos 3:4 Scarcely had I passed by them, When I found the one I love. I held him and would not let him go, Until I had brought him to the house of my mother, And into the chamber of her who conceived me.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:5 ============
Sos 3:5 "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, That you will not arouse or awaken my love Until she pleases."(nasb)
Sos 3:5 Adjuro vos, filiæ Jerusalem, per capreas cervosque camporum, ne suscitetis, neque evigilare faciatis dilectam, donec ipsa velit.(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:5 Yo os conjuro, oh doncellas de Jerusalén, por los corzos y por las ciervas del campo, que no despertéis ni hagáis velar al amor, hasta que quiera.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:5 Je vous en conjure, filles de Jérusalem, Par les gazelles et les biches des champs, Ne réveillez pas, ne réveillez pas l'amour, Avant qu'elle le veuille. -(F)
Sos 3:5 Ich beschwöre euch, ihr Töchter Jerusalems, bei den Rehen oder Hinden auf dem Felde, daß ihr meine Freundin nicht aufweckt noch regt, bis es ihr selbst gefällt.(D)
Sos 3:5 ὥρκισα ὑμᾶς θυγατέρες Ιερουσαλημ ἐν ταῖς δυνάμεσιν καὶ ἐν ταῖς ἰσχύσεσιν τοῦ ἀγροῦ ἐὰν ἐγείρητε καὶ ἐξεγείρητε τὴν ἀγάπην ἕως ἂν θελήσῃ(lxx)
Sos 3:5 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:6 ============
Sos 3:6 "What is this coming up from the wilderness Like columns of smoke, Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, With all scented powders of the merchant?(nasb)
Sos 3:6 Quæ est ista quæ ascendit per desertum sicut virgula fumi ex aromatibus myrrhæ, et thuris, et universi pulveris pigmentarii?(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:6 ¿Quién [es] ésta que sube del desierto como columna de humo, perfumada de mirra y de incienso, y de todo polvo aromático?(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:6 Qui est celle qui monte du désert, Comme des colonnes de fumée, Au milieu des vapeurs de myrrhe et d'encens Et de tous les aromates des marchands? -(F)
Sos 3:6 Wer ist die, die heraufgeht aus der Wüste wie ein gerader Rauch, wie ein Geräuch von Myrrhe, Weihrauch und allerlei Gewürzstaub des Krämers?(D)
Sos 3:6 τίς αὕτη ἡ ἀναβαίνουσα ἀπὸ τῆς ἐρήμου ὡς στελέχη καπνοῦ τεθυμιαμένη σμύρναν καὶ λίβανον ἀπὸ πάντων κονιορτῶν μυρεψοῦ(lxx)
Sos 3:6 The Shulamite Who is this coming out of the wilderness Like pillars of smoke, Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, With all the merchant's fragrant powders?(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:7 ============
Sos 3:7 "Behold, it is the traveling couch of Solomon; Sixty mighty men around it, Of the mighty men of Israel.(nasb)
Sos 3:7 En lectulum Salomonis sexaginta fortes ambiunt ex fortissimis Israël,(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:7 He aquí [es] la litera de Salomón: Sesenta valientes la rodean, de los fuertes de Israel.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:7 Voici la litière de Salomon, Et autour d'elle soixante vaillants hommes, Des plus vaillants d'Israël.(F)
Sos 3:7 Siehe, um das Bett Salomos her stehen sechzig Starke aus den Starken in Israel.(D)
Sos 3:7 ἰδοὺ ἡ κλίνη τοῦ Σαλωμων ἑξήκοντα δυνατοὶ κύκλῳ αὐτῆς ἀπὸ δυνατῶν Ισραηλ(lxx)
Sos 3:7 Behold, it is Solomon's couch, With sixty valiant men around it, Of the valiant of Israel.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:8 ============
Sos 3:8 "All of them are wielders of the sword, Expert in war; Each man has his sword at his side, Guarding against the terrors of the night.(nasb)
Sos 3:8 omnes tenentes gladios, et ad bella doctissimi: uniuscujusque ensis super femur suum propter timores nocturnos.(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:8 Todos ellos tienen espadas, son diestros en la guerra; cada uno [con] su espada sobre su muslo, por los temores de la noche.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:8 Tous sont armés de l'épée, Sont exercés au combat; Chacun porte l'épée sur sa hanche, En vue des alarmes nocturnes.(F)
Sos 3:8 Sie halten alle Schwerter und sind geschickt, zu streiten. Ein jeglicher hat sein Schwert an seiner Hüfte um des Schreckens willen in der Nacht.(D)
Sos 3:8 πάντες κατέχοντες ῥομφαίαν δεδιδαγμένοι πόλεμον ἀνὴρ ῥομφαία αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ μηρὸν αὐτοῦ ἀπὸ θάμβους ἐν νυξίν(lxx)
Sos 3:8 They all hold swords, Being expert in war. Every man has his sword on his thigh Because of fear in the night.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:9 ============
Sos 3:9 "King Solomon has made for himself a sedan chair From the timber of Lebanon.(nasb)
Sos 3:9 Ferculum fecit sibi rex Salomon de lignis Libani;(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:9 El rey Salomón se hizo un carruaje de madera del Líbano.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:9 Le roi Salomon s'est fait une litière De bois du Liban.(F)
Sos 3:9 Der König Salomo ließ sich eine Sänfte machen von Holz aus Libanon.(D)
Sos 3:9 φορεῖον ἐποίησεν ἑαυτῷ ὁ βασιλεὺς Σαλωμων ἀπὸ ξύλων τοῦ Λιβάνου(lxx)
Sos 3:9 Of the wood of Lebanon Solomon the King Made himself a palanquin:(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:10 ============
Sos 3:10 "He made its posts of silver, Its back of gold And its seat of purple fabric, With its interior lovingly fitted out By the daughters of Jerusalem.(nasb)
Sos 3:10 columnas ejus fecit argenteas, reclinatorium aureum, ascensum purpureum; media caritate constravit, propter filias Jerusalem.(vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:10 Sus columnas hizo de plata, su respaldo de oro, su asiento de grana, su interior tapizado de amor, por las doncellas de Jerusalén.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:10 Il en a fait les colonnes d'argent, Le dossier d'or, Le siège de pourpre; Au milieu est une broderie, oeuvre d'amour Des filles de Jérusalem.(F)
Sos 3:10 Ihre Säulen sind silbern, die Decke golden, der Sitz purpurn, und inwendig ist sie lieblich ausgeziert um der Töchter Jerusalems willen.(D)
Sos 3:10 στύλους αὐτοῦ ἐποίησεν ἀργύριον καὶ ἀνάκλιτον αὐτοῦ χρύσεον ἐπίβασις αὐτοῦ πορφυρᾶ ἐντὸς αὐτοῦ λιθόστρωτον ἀγάπην ἀπὸ θυγατέρων Ιερουσαλημ(lxx)
Sos 3:10 He made its pillars of silver, Its support of gold, Its seat of purple, Its interior paved with love By the daughters of Jerusalem.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 3:11 ============
Sos 3:11 "Go forth, O daughters of Zion, And gaze on King Solomon with the crown With which his mother has crowned him On the day of his wedding, And on the day of his gladness of heart."(nasb)
Sos 3:11 Egredimini et videte, filiæ Sion, regem Salomonem in diademate quo coronavit illum mater sua in die desponsationis illius, et in die lætitiæ cordis ejus.](vulgate)
Canción de canciones 3:11 Salid, oh doncellas de Sión, y ved al rey Salomón con la corona con que le coronó su madre el día de su desposorio, y el día del gozo de su corazón.(E)
Cantique Des Cantiqu 3:11 Sortez, filles de Sion, regardez Le roi Salomon, Avec la couronne dont sa mère l'a couronné Le jour de ses fiançailles, Le jour de la joie de son coeur. -(F)
Sos 3:11 Gehet heraus und schauet an, ihr Töchter Zions, den König Salomo in der Krone, damit ihn seine Mutter gekrönt hat am Tage seiner Hochzeit und am Tage der Freude seines Herzens.(D)
Sos 3:11 ἐξέλθατε καὶ ἴδετε ἐν τῷ βασιλεῖ Σαλωμων ἐν τῷ στεφάνῳ ᾧ ἐστεφάνωσεν αὐτὸν ἡ μήτηρ αὐτοῦ ἐν ἡμέρᾳ νυμφεύσεως αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐν ἡμέρᾳ εὐφροσύνης καρδίας αὐτοῦ(lxx)
Sos 3:11 Go forth, O daughters of Zion, And see King Solomon with the crown With which his mother crowned him On the day of his wedding, The day of the gladness of his heart.(nkjv)

======= Song of Solomon 4:1 ============

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Translations of each verse by CHAPTERS in English, Latin, Spanish, French, German, Greek and English in this order:
  1. (nasb) - The most accurate translation: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® Copyright © 1960-1995 The Lockman Foundation. Used by Permission.
  2. (vulgate) - LATIN: Jerome's Vulgate (405 AD) - Public Domain
  3. (E) - SPANISH: Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS - Rights Reserved - Copyright 2010 RVG-Spanish
  4. (F) - FRENCH: Louis Segond 1910 - Public Domain LSG-French
  5. (D) - GERMAN: Luther's Die Heilige Schrift(1545 AD), based on the Textus Receptus, Vulgate & other sources
  6. (lxx)/(Nestle-Aland) - GREEK: Public Domain - LXX Old Testament and Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece.
    GREEK-OT: The Septuagint, LXX (132 BC) - translation from Hebrew into Greek by 70 Jewish scholars
    GREEK-NT: Nestle-Aland, oldest manuscript; Not included in this compliation: Textus Receptus, a later version used by Luther & the KJV
    To view both NT Greek manuscripts see the AKDG parallel version:
  7. (nkjv) - Updated KJV - New King James Version NKJV - Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
By presenting these translations by chapter it provides easier navigation and complies with copyright permissions.

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"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-2022 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission."
"Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved."
"Scripture taken from the Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS -(RVG-Spanish) Copyright © 2010 Used by permission. All rights reserved."