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======= Psalm 113:1 ============
Psa 113:1 Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord.(nasb)
Psa 113:1 αλληλουια αἰνεῖτε παῖδες κύριον αἰνεῖτε τὸ ὄνομα κυρίου (lxx)
Psa 113:1 [Vulgate 112:1] alleluia laudate servi Dominum laudate nomen Domini(vulgate)
Psa 113:1 Halleluja! Lobet, ihr Knechte des HERRN, lobet den Namen des HERRN!(dhs)
Psa 113:1 Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord!(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:2 ============
Psa 113:2 Blessed be the name of the Lord From this time forth and forever.(nasb)
Psa 113:2 εἴη τὸ ὄνομα κυρίου εὐλογημένον ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν καὶ ἕως τοῦ αἰῶνος (lxx)
Psa 113:2 [Vulgate 112:2] sit nomen Domini benedictum amodo et usque in aeternum(vulgate)
Psa 113:2 Gelobet sei des HERRN Name von nun an bis in Ewigkeit!(dhs)
Psa 113:2 Blessed be the name of the Lord From this time forth and forevermore!(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:3 ============
Psa 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its setting The name of the Lord is to be praised.(nasb)
Psa 113:3 ἀπὸ ἀνατολῶν ἡλίου μέχρι δυσμῶν αἰνεῖτε τὸ ὄνομα κυρίου (lxx)
Psa 113:3 [Vulgate 112:3] ab ortu solis usque ad occasum eius laudabile nomen Domini(vulgate)
Psa 113:3 Vom Aufgang der Sonne bis zu ihrem Niedergang sei gelobet der Name des HERRN!(dhs)
Psa 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its going down The Lord's name is to be praised.(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:4 ============
Psa 113:4 The Lord is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.(nasb)
Psa 113:4 ὑψηλὸς ἐπὶ πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ὁ κύριος ἐπὶ τοὺς οὐρανοὺς ἡ δόξα αὐτοῦ (lxx)
Psa 113:4 [Vulgate 112:4] excelsus super omnes gentes Dominus super caelum gloria eius(vulgate)
Psa 113:4 Der HERR ist hoch über alle Heiden; seine Ehre geht, soweit der Himmel ist.(dhs)
Psa 113:4 The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens.(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:5 ============
Psa 113:5 Who is like the Lord our God, Who is enthroned on high,(nasb)
Psa 113:5 τίς ὡς κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν ὁ ἐν ὑψηλοῖς κατοικῶν (lxx)
Psa 113:5 [Vulgate 112:5] quis ut Dominus Deus noster qui in excelsis habitans(vulgate)
Psa 113:5 Wer ist wie der HERR, unser Gott? der sich so hoch gesetzt hat(dhs)
Psa 113:5 Who is like the Lord our God, Who dwells on high,(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:6 ============
Psa 113:6 Who humbles Himself to behold The things that are in heaven and in the earth?(nasb)
Psa 113:6 καὶ τὰ ταπεινὰ ἐφορῶν ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ καὶ ἐν τῇ γῇ (lxx)
Psa 113:6 [Vulgate 112:6] humilia respicit in caelo et in terra(vulgate)
Psa 113:6 und auf das Niedrige sieht im Himmel und auf Erden;(dhs)
Psa 113:6 Who humbles Himself to behold The things that are in the heavens and in the earth?(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:7 ============
Psa 113:7 He raises the poor from the dust And lifts the needy from the ash heap,(nasb)
Psa 113:7 ὁ ἐγείρων ἀπὸ γῆς πτωχὸν καὶ ἀπὸ κοπρίας ἀνυψῶν πένητα (lxx)
Psa 113:7 [Vulgate 112:7] suscitans de terra inopem et de stercore elevat pauperem(vulgate)
Psa 113:7 der den Geringen aufrichtet aus dem Staube und erhöht den Armen aus dem Kot,(dhs)
Psa 113:7 He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap,(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:8 ============
Psa 113:8 To make them sit with princes, With the princes of His people.(nasb)
Psa 113:8 τοῦ καθίσαι αὐτὸν μετὰ ἀρχόντων μετὰ ἀρχόντων λαοῦ αὐτοῦ (lxx)
Psa 113:8 [Vulgate 112:8] ut eum sedere faciat cum principibus cum principibus populi sui(vulgate)
Psa 113:8 daß er ihn setze neben die Fürsten, neben die Fürsten seines Volkes;(dhs)
Psa 113:8 That He may seat him with princes-- With the princes of His people.(nkjv)

======= Psalm 113:9 ============
Psa 113:9 He makes the barren woman abide in the house As a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!(nasb)
Psa 113:9 ὁ κατοικίζων στεῖραν ἐν οἴκῳ μητέρα τέκνων εὐφραινομένην (lxx)
Psa 113:9 [Vulgate 112:9] qui conlocat sterilem in domo matrem filiorum laetantem alleluia(vulgate)
Psa 113:9 der die Unfruchtbare im Hause wohnen macht, daß sie eine fröhliche Kindermutter wird. Halleluja!(dhs)
Psa 113:9 He grants the barren woman a home, Like a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord!(nkjv)

======= Psalm 114:1 ============

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  • The most accurate English translation: New American Standard Bible
  • GREEK:
  • GREEK-OT: The Septuagint (LXX)(132 BC) - translation into Greek from Hebrew by 70 Jewish scholars
  • GREEK-NT: Nestle-Aland, oldest Greek manuscript. The Textus Receptus, a later version used by Luther & the KJV
    may be found in parallel with Nestle-Aland in the: the AKDG version (NASB, NKJV, DHS & both Greek manuscripts
  • LATIN: Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405 A.D.)
  • GERMAN - Luther's Die Heilige Schrift(1545 AD), based on the Textus Receptus, Vulgate & other sources
    The updated KJV: New King James Version

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"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-2022 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission."
"Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved."