NASB, Coverdale, Geneva, Bishops, KJV, Darby, ASV, Berean, Latin, German, Greek and NKJV
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Today's Date: 3/27/2025

======= Ezekiel 40:1 ============
Eze 40:1 In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was taken, on that same day the hand of the Lord was upon me and He brought me there.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:1 In the xxv yeare of oure captiuyte, in the begynnynge of the yeare, the x daye of the moneth: that is the xiiij yeare, after that ye cite was smytten downe: the same daye came the honde of the LORDE vpon me, and caried me forth:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:1 In the fiue and twentieth yeere of our being in captiuitie, in the beginning of the yeere, in the tenth day of the moneth, in the fourteenth yeere after that the citie was smitten, in the selfe same day, the hande of the Lorde was vpon mee, and brought me thither.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:1 In the fyue and twentie yere of our captiuitie, in the beginning of the yere, the tenth day of the moneth, that is the fourtenth yere after the citie was smitten, the selfe same day came the hand of the Lorde vpon me, & brought me thyther:(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:1 In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and brought me thither.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:1 In the twenty-fifth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, on that same day the hand of Jehovah was upon me, and he brought me thither.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:1 In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth [day] of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day, the hand of Jehovah was upon me, and he brought me thither.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:1 In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month--in the fourteenth year after Jerusalem had been struck down--on that very day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and He took me there.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:1 In vigesimo quinto anno transmigrationis nostræ, in exordio anni, decima mensis, quartodecimo anno postquam percussa est civitas, in ipsa hac die, facta est super me manus Domini, et adduxit me illuc.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:1 Im fünfundzwanzigsten Jahr unserer Gefangenschaft, im Anfang des Jahres, am zehnten Tage des Monats, im vierzehnten Jahr, nachdem die Stadt geschlagen war, eben an diesem Tage kam des HERRN Hand über mich und führte mich dahin.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:1 καὶ ἐγένετο ἐν τῷ πέμπτῳ καὶ εἰκοστῷ ἔτει τῆς αἰχμαλωσίας ἡμῶν ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ μηνὶ δεκάτῃ τοῦ μηνὸς ἐν τῷ τεσσαρεσκαιδεκάτῳ ἔτει μετὰ τὸ ἁλῶναι τὴν πόλιν ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ ἐγένετο ἐπ᾽ ἐμὲ χεὶρ κυρίου καὶ ἤγαγέν με(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:1 In the twenty-fifth year of our captivity, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was captured, on the very same day the hand of the Lord was upon me; and He took me there.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:2 ============
Eze 40:2 In the visions of God He brought me into the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain, and on it to the south there was a structure like a city.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:2 euen into the londe of Israel brought he me in the visions of God: and set me downe vpo a maruelous hie mountayne, whervpon there was a buyldinge (as it had bene of a cite) towarde the north.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:2 Into the lande of Israel brought he me by a diuine vision, & set me vpon a very hie mountaine, whereupon was as the building of a citie, toward the South.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:2 Euen into the land of Israel brought he me in the visions of god, & set me downe vpon a marueylous hye mountayne, wherevpon there was as it had ben the buylding of a citie towarde the south.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain; and upon it was as the building of a city, on the south.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:2 In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me down upon a very high mountain, whereon was as it were the frame of a city on the south.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:2 In visions of God He took me to the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain, on whose southern slope was a structure that resembled a city.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:2 In visionibus Dei adduxit me in terram Israël, et dimisit me super montem excelsum nimis, super quem erat quasi ædificium civitatis vergentis ad austrum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:2 Durch göttliche Gesichte führte er mich ins Land Israel und stellte mich auf einen hohen Berg, darauf war's wie eine gebaute Stadt gegen Mittag.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:2 ἐν ὁράσει θεοῦ εἰς τὴν γῆν τοῦ Ισραηλ καὶ ἔθηκέν με ἐπ᾽ ὄρους ὑψηλοῦ σφόδρα καὶ ἐπ᾽ αὐτοῦ ὡσεὶ οἰκοδομὴ πόλεως ἀπέναντι(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:2 In the visions of God He took me into the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain; on it toward the south was something like the structure of a city.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:3 ============
Eze 40:3 So He brought me there; and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze, with a line of flax and a measuring rod in his hand; and he was standing in the gateway.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:3 Thither he caried me, and beholde, there was a man, whose similitude was like brasse, which had a threde of flax in his honde, and a meterodde also. He stode in the dore,(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:3 And he brought me thither, and beholde, there was a man, whose similitude was to looke to, like brasse, with a linnen thread in his hand, and a reede to measure with: and he stoode at the gate.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:3 Thyther he caried me, and behold there was a man, whose similitude was like brasse, whiche had a twisted line of flax in his hand, and a cane to measure with: and he stoode in the doore.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:3 And he brought me thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:3 And he brought me thither, and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a flax-cord in his hand, and a measuring-reed; and he stood in the gate.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:3 And he brought me thither; and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:3 So He took me there, and I saw a man whose appearance was like bronze. He was standing in the gateway with a linen cord and a measuring rod in his hand.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:3 Et introduxit me illuc: et ecce vir cujus erat species quasi species æris, et funiculus lineus in manu ejus, et calamus mensuræ in manu ejus: stabat autem in porta.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:3 Und da er mich hingebracht hatte, siehe, da war ein Mann, des Ansehen war wie Erz; der hatte eine lange leinene Schnur und eine Meßrute in seiner Hand und stand unter dem Tor.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:3 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με ἐκεῖ καὶ ἰδοὺ ἀνήρ καὶ ἡ ὅρασις αὐτοῦ ἦν ὡσεὶ ὅρασις χαλκοῦ στίλβοντος καὶ ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ ἦν σπαρτίον οἰκοδόμων καὶ κάλαμος μέτρου καὶ αὐτὸς εἱστήκει ἐπὶ τῆς πύλης(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:3 He took me there, and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze. He had a line of flax and a measuring rod in his hand, and he stood in the gateway.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:4 ============
Eze 40:4 The man said to me, "Son of man, see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and give attention to all that I am going to show you; for you have been brought here in order to show it to you. Declare to the house of Israel all that you see."(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:4 & sayde vnto me: marcke well with thine eyes, herken to with thine eares, and fasten it in thine hert, what so euer I shal shewe the, for to the intent that they might be shewed the, therfore art thou brought hither. And what soeuer thou seyst, thou shalt certifie the house of Israel therof.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:4 And the man said vnto me, Sonne of man, beholde with thine eyes, and heare with thine eares, and set thine heart vpon all that I shal shew thee: for to the intent, that they might be shewed thee, art thou brought hither: declare al that thou seest, vnto the house of Israel.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:4 And that man sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, marke well with thyne eyes, hearken to with thyne eares, and fasten it in thy heart, whatsoeuer I shal shewe thee: for to the intent that they might be shewed thee, therfore art thou brought hyther, and whatsoeuer thou seest, thou shalt certifie the house of Israel therof.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:4 And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:4 And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thy heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for in order that it might be shewn unto thee art thou brought hither. Declare to the house of Israel all that thou seest.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:4 And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thy heart upon all that I shall show thee; for, to the intent that I may show them unto thee, art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:4 "Son of man," he said to me, "look with your eyes, hear with your ears, and pay attention to everything I am going to show you, for that is why you have been brought here. Report to the house of Israel everything you see."(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:4 Et locutus est ad me idem vir: Fili hominis, vide oculis tuis, et auribus tuis audi, et pone cor tuum in omnia quæ ego ostendam tibi, quia ut ostendantur tibi adductus es huc. Annuntia omnia quæ tu vides domui Israël.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:4 Und er sprach zu mir: Du Menschenkind, siehe und höre fleißig zu und merke auf alles, was ich dir zeigen will. Denn darum bist du hergebracht, daß ich dir solches zeige, auf daß du solches alles, was du hier siehst, verkündigst dem Hause Israel.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:4 καὶ εἶπεν πρός με ὁ ἀνήρ ἑώρακας υἱὲ ἀνθρώπου ἐν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς σου ἰδὲ καὶ ἐν τοῖς ὠσίν σου ἄκουε καὶ τάξον εἰς τὴν καρδίαν σου πάντα ὅσα ἐγὼ δεικνύω σοι διότι ἕνεκα τοῦ δεῖξαί σοι εἰσελήλυθας ὧδε καὶ δείξεις πάντα ὅσα σὺ ὁρᾷς τῷ οἴκῳ τοῦ Ισραηλ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:4 And the man said to me, "Son of man, look with your eyes and hear with your ears, and fix your mind on everything I show you; for you were brought here so that I might show them to you. Declare to the house of Israel everything you see."(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:5 ============
Eze 40:5 And behold, there was a wall on the outside of the temple all around, and in the man's hand was a measuring rod of six cubits, each of which was a cubit and a handbreadth. So he measured the thickness of the wall, one rod; and the height, one rod.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:5 Beholde, there was a wall on the outsyde rounde aboute the house: the meterodde that he had in his honde, was six cubites longe & a spanne. So he measured the bredth of the buyldinge, which was a meterodde, and the heyth also a meterodde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:5 And beholde, I sawe a wall on the outside of the house round about: and in the mans hand was a reede to measure with, of sixe cubites long, by the cubite, and an hand breadth: so he measured the breadth of the buylding with one reede, and the height with one reede.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:5 Behold, there was a wall on the outside of the house, rounde about: the cane to measure with that he had in his hande, was sixe cubites long by the cubite & a hande breadth: So he measured the breadth of the building with one cane, and the heyght with one cane.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:5 And behold a wall on the outside of the house round about, and in the man's hand a measuring reed of six cubits long by the cubit and an hand breadth: so he measured the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:5 And behold, there was a wall on the outside of the house round about, and in the man's hand a measuring-reed of six cubits, [each] of one cubit and a hand breadth. And he measured the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:5 And, behold, a wall on the outside of the house round about, and in the man's hand a measuring reed six cubits long, of a cubit and a handbreadth each: so he measured the thickness of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:5 And I saw a wall surrounding the temple area. Now the length of the measuring rod in the man's hand was six long cubits (each measuring a cubit and a handbreadth), and he measured the wall to be one rod thick and one rod high.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:5 Et ecce murus forinsecus in circuitu domus undique: et in manu viri calamus mensuræ sex cubitorum et palmo: et mensus est latitudinem ædificii calamo uno, altitudinem quoque calamo uno.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:5 Und siehe, es ging eine Mauer auswendig um das Haus ringsumher. Und der Mann hatte die Meßrute in der Hand, die war sechs Ellen lang; eine jegliche Elle war eine Handbreit länger denn eine gemeine Elle. Und er maß das Gebäude in die Breite eine Rute und in die Höhe auch eine Rute.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:5 καὶ ἰδοὺ περίβολος ἔξωθεν τοῦ οἴκου κύκλῳ καὶ ἐν τῇ χειρὶ τοῦ ἀνδρὸς κάλαμος τὸ μέτρον πηχῶν ἓξ ἐν πήχει καὶ παλαιστῆς καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὸ προτείχισμα πλάτος ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ καὶ τὸ ὕψος αὐτοῦ ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:5 Now there was a wall all around the outside of the temple. In the man's hand was a measuring rod six cubits long, each being a cubit and a handbreadth; and he measured the width of the wall structure, one rod; and the height, one rod.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:6 ============
Eze 40:6 Then he went to the gate which faced east, went up its steps and measured the threshold of the gate, one rod in width; and the other threshold was one rod in width.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:6 Then came he vnto the eastdore, and wente vp the stares, & measured the postes of the dore: wherof euery one was a meterodde thicke. Euery chambre was a meterodde longe and brode:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:6 Then came he vnto the gate, which looketh towarde the East, and went vp the stayres thereof, and measured the poste of the gate, which was one reede broade, and the other poste of the gate, which was one reede broade.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:6 Then came he to the gate which loketh toward the east, and went vp the staires therof, and measured the post of the gate one cane broade, and the other post of the gate one cane broade.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:6 Then came he unto the gate which looketh toward the east, and went up the stairs thereof, and measured the threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad; and the other threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:6 And he came to the gate which looked toward the east, and went up its steps; and he measured the threshold of the gate, one reed broad; and the other threshold one reed broad.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:6 Then came he unto the gate which looketh toward the east, and went up the steps thereof: and he measured the threshold of the gate, one reed broad; and the other threshold, one reed broad.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:6 Then he came to the gate facing east and climbed its steps. He measured the threshold of the gate to be one rod deep.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:6 Et venit ad portam quæ respiciebat viam orientalem, et ascendit per gradus ejus: et mensus est limen portæ calamo uno latitudinem, id est, limen unum calamo uno in latitudine.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:6 Und er ging ein zum Tor, das gegen Morgen lag, und ging hinauf auf seinen Stufen und maß die Schwelle, eine Rute breit.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:6 καὶ εἰσῆλθεν εἰς τὴν πύλην τὴν βλέπουσαν κατὰ ἀνατολὰς ἐν ἑπτὰ ἀναβαθμοῖς καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὸ αιλαμ τῆς πύλης ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:6 Then he went to the gateway which faced east; and he went up its stairs and measured the threshold of the gateway, which was one rod wide, and the other threshold was one rod wide.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:7 ============
Eze 40:7 The guardroom was one rod long and one rod wide; and there were five cubits between the guardrooms. And the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate facing inward was one rod.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:7 betwene the chambers were fyue cubites. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:7 And euery chamber was one reede long, & one reede broad, & betweene the chambers were fiue cubites: & the post of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reede.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:7 And euery chamber was one cane long and one cane broade, and betweene the chambers were fiue cubites: and the post of the gate by the porche of the gate within, was one cane.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:7 And every little chamber was one reed long, and one reed broad; and between the little chambers were five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reed.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:7 And [each] chamber was one reed long and one reed broad; and between the chambers were five cubits; and the threshold of the gate, beside the porch of the gate within, was one reed.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:7 And every lodge was one reed long, and one reed broad; and [the space] between the lodges was five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate toward the house was one reed.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:7 Each gate chamber was one rod long and one rod wide, and there were five cubits between the gate chambers. The inner threshold of the gate by the portico facing inward was one rod deep.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:7 Et thalamum uno calamo in longum, et uno calamo in latum: et inter thalamos, quinque cubitos.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:7 Und die Gemächer, so beiderseits neben dem Tor waren, maß er auch nach der Länge eine Rute und nach der Breite eine Rute; und der Raum zwischen den Gemächern war fünf Ellen weit. Und er maß auch die Schwelle am Tor neben der Halle, die nach dem Hause zu war, eine Rute.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:7 καὶ τὸ θεε ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ τὸ μῆκος καὶ ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ τὸ πλάτος καὶ τὸ αιλαμ ἀνὰ μέσον τοῦ θαιηλαθα πηχῶν ἓξ καὶ τὸ θεε τὸ δεύτερον ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ τὸ πλάτος καὶ ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ τὸ μῆκος καὶ τὸ αιλαμ πήχεων πέντε(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:7 Each gate chamber was one rod long and one rod wide; between the gate chambers was a space of five cubits; and the threshold of the gateway by the vestibule of the inside gate was one rod.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:8 ============
Eze 40:8 Then he measured the porch of the gate facing inward, one rod.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:8 He measured also the porche of the ynnermer dore, which conteyned a meterodde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:8 He measured also the porche of the gate within with one reede.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:8 He measured also the porche of the gate within one cane.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:8 He measured also the porch of the gate within, one reed.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:8 And he measured the porch of the gate within, one reed.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:8 He measured also the porch of the gate toward the house, one reed.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:8 Then he measured the portico of the gateway inside;(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:8 Et limen portæ, juxta vestibulum portæ intrinsecus, calamo uno.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:8 Und er maß die Halle am Tor, die nach dem Hause zu war, eine Rute.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:8 καὶ τὸ θεε τὸ τρίτον ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ τὸ πλάτος καὶ ἴσον τῷ καλάμῳ τὸ μῆκος(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:8 He also measured the vestibule of the inside gate, one rod.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:9 ============
Eze 40:9 He measured the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and its side pillars, two cubits. And the porch of the gate was faced inward.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:9 The measured he the entrie of the dore, that conteyned eght cubites, and his pilers two cubites: and this entrie stode inwarde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:9 Then measured he the porch of the gate of eight cubites, and the postes thereof, of two cubites, and the porch of the gate was inward.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:9 Then measured he the porche of the gate eyght cubites: & the pentises therof two cubites, and the porche of the gate was inwarde.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:9 Then measured he the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and the posts thereof, two cubits; and the porch of the gate was inward.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:9 And he measured the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and the posts thereof, two cubits; and the porch of the gate was inward.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:9 Then measured he the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and the posts thereof, two cubits; and the porch of the gate was toward the house.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:9 it was eight cubits deep, and its jambs were two cubits thick. And the portico of the gateway faced the temple.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:9 Et mensus est vestibulum portæ octo cubitorum, et frontem ejus duobus cubitis: vestibulum autem portæ erat intrinsecus.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:9 Und maß die Halle am Tor acht Ellen und ihre Pfeiler zwei Ellen, und die Halle am Tor war nach dem Hause zu.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:9 καὶ τὸ αιλαμ τοῦ πυλῶνος πλησίον τοῦ αιλαμ τῆς πύλης πηχῶν ὀκτὼ καὶ τὰ αιλευ πηχῶν δύο καὶ τὸ αιλαμ τῆς πύλης ἔσωθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:9 Then he measured the vestibule of the gateway, eight cubits; and the gateposts, two cubits. The vestibule of the gate was on the inside.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:10 ============
Eze 40:10 The guardrooms of the gate toward the east numbered three on each side; the three of them had the same measurement. The side pillars also had the same measurement on each side.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:10 The chambers of the dore eastwarde, were thre on euery syde: alike brode and longe. The pilers also that stode of both the sydes, were of one measure.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:10 And the chambers of the gate Eastwarde, were three on this side, and three on that side: they three were of one measure, and the postes had one measure on this side, and one on that side.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:10 And the chambers of the gate eastward, were three on this side, & three on that side: they three were of one measure, & the pentises had one measure on this side, and one measure on that side.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:10 And the little chambers of the gate eastward were three on this side, and three on that side; they three were of one measure: and the posts had one measure on this side and on that side.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:10 And the chambers of the gate which was toward the east were three on this side and three on that side: they three were of one measure; and the posts on this side and on that side had one measure.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:10 And the lodges of the gate eastward were three on this side, and three on that side; they three were of one measure: and the posts had one measure on this side and on that side.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:10 There were three gate chambers on each side of the east gate, each with the same measurements, and the gateposts on either side also had the same measurements.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:10 Porro thalami portæ ad viam orientalem, tres hinc et tres inde: mensura una trium, et mensura una frontium ex utraque parte.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:10 Und der Gemächer waren auf jeglicher Seite drei am Tor gegen Morgen, je eins so weit wie das andere, und die Pfeiler auf beiden Seiten waren gleich groß.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:10 καὶ τὰ θεε τῆς πύλης θεε κατέναντι τρεῖς ἔνθεν καὶ τρεῖς ἔνθεν καὶ μέτρον ἓν τοῖς τρισὶν καὶ μέτρον ἓν τοῖς αιλαμ ἔνθεν καὶ ἔνθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:10 In the eastern gateway were three gate chambers on one side and three on the other; the three were all the same size; also the gateposts were of the same size on this side and that side.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:11 ============
Eze 40:11 And he measured the width of the gateway, ten cubits, and the length of the gate, thirteen cubits.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:11 After this, he measured the wydenesse of the dore: which was x cubites, & the heyth of the dore xiij cubites.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:11 And he measured the breadth of the entrie of the gate ten cubites, and the height of the gate thirteene cubites.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:11 After this, he measured the breadth of the entrie of the gate ten cubites, and the heyght of the gate thirteene cubites.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:11 And he measured the breadth of the entry of the gate, ten cubits; and the length of the gate, thirteen cubits.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:11 And he measured the breadth of the entry of the gate, ten cubits; [and] the length of the gate, thirteen cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:11 And he measured the breadth of the opening of the gate, ten cubits; and the length of the gate, thirteen cubits;(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:11 And he measured the width of the gateway entrance to be ten cubits, and its length was thirteen cubits.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:11 Et mensus est latitudinem liminis portæ decem cubitorum, et longitudinem portæ tredecim cubitorum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:11 Darnach maß er die Weite der Tür im Tor zehn Ellen und die Länge des Tors dreizehn Ellen.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:11 καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὸ πλάτος τῆς θύρας τοῦ πυλῶνος πηχῶν δέκα καὶ τὸ εὖρος τοῦ πυλῶνος πηχῶν δέκα τριῶν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:11 He measured the width of the entrance to the gateway, ten cubits; and the length of the gate, thirteen cubits.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:12 ============
Eze 40:12 There was a barrier wall one cubit wide in front of the guardrooms on each side; and the guardrooms were six cubits square on each side.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:12 The edge before the chabres was one cubite brode vpo both the sydes, & the chambres six cubites wyde of either syde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:12 The space also before the chambers was one cubite on this side, and the space was one cubite on that side, and the chambers were sixe cubites on this side and sixe cubites on that side.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:12 The space also before the chambers was one cubite on this side and the space one cubite on that side: & the chambers sixe cubites on this side, and sixe cubites on that side.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:12 The space also before the little chambers was one cubit on this side, and the space was one cubit on that side: and the little chambers were six cubits on this side, and six cubits on that side.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:12 And there was a border before the chambers of one cubit, and a border of one cubit on the other side; and the chambers were six cubits on this side, and six cubits on that side.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:12 and a border before the lodges, one cubit [on this side], and a border, one cubit on that side; and the lodges, six cubits on this side, and six cubits on that side.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:12 In front of each gate chamber was a wall one cubit high, and the gate chambers were six cubits square.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:12 Et marginem ante thalamos, cubiti unius, et cubitus unus finis utrimque: thalami autem sex cubitorum erant hinc et inde.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:12 Und vorn an den Gemächern war Raum abgegrenzt auf beiden Seiten, je eine Elle; aber die Gemächer waren je sechs Ellen auf beiden Seiten.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:12 καὶ πῆχυς ἐπισυναγόμενος ἐπὶ πρόσωπον τῶν θεϊμ ἔνθεν καὶ ἔνθεν καὶ τὸ θεε πηχῶν ἓξ ἔνθεν καὶ πηχῶν ἓξ ἔνθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:12 There was a space in front of the gate chambers, one cubit on this side and one cubit on that side; the gate chambers were six cubits on this side and six cubits on that side.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:13 ============
Eze 40:13 He measured the gate from the roof of the one guardroom to the roof of the other, a width of twenty-five cubits from one door to the door opposite.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:13 He measured ye dore from the rygge of one chabre to another, whose wydenesse was xxv cubites, & one dore stode agaynst another.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:13 He measured then the gate from the roufe of a chamber to the toppe of the gate: the breadth was fiue and twentie cubites, doore against doore.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:13 He measured the gate from the roofe of a chamber to his owne roofe the breadth of fiue and twentie cubites: doore against doore.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:13 He measured then the gate from the roof of one little chamber to the roof of another: the breadth was five and twenty cubits, door against door.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:13 And he measured the gate from the roof of [one] chamber to the roof [of the other], a breadth of five and twenty cubits, entry opposite entry.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:13 And he measured the gate from the roof of the one lodge to the roof of the other, a breadth of five and twenty cubits; door against door.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:13 Then he measured the gateway from the roof of one gate chamber to the roof of the opposite one; the distance was twenty-five cubits from doorway to doorway.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:13 Et mensus est portam a tecto thalami usque ad tectum ejus, latitudinem viginti quinque cubitorum, ostium contra ostium.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:13 Dazu maß er das Tor vom Dach der Gemächer auf der einen Seite bis zum Dach der Gemächer auf der andern Seite fünfundzwanzig Ellen breit; und eine Tür stand gegenüber der andern.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:13 καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὴν πύλην ἀπὸ τοῦ τοίχου τοῦ θεε ἐπὶ τὸν τοῖχον τοῦ θεε πλάτος πήχεις εἴκοσι πέντε αὕτη πύλη ἐπὶ πύλην(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:13 Then he measured the gateway from the roof of one gate chamber to the roof of the other; the width was twenty-five cubits, as door faces door.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:14 ============
Eze 40:14 He made the side pillars sixty cubits high; the gate extended round about to the side pillar of the courtyard.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:14 He made pilers also lx cubites hie, rounde aboute the courte dore.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:14 He made also postes of threescore cubites, and the postes of the court, and of the gate had one measure round about.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:14 He made frontes also of threescore cubites, euen vnto the front of the court rounde about the gate.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:14 He made also posts of threescore cubits, even unto the post of the court round about the gate.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:14 And he made posts, sixty cubits, and by the post was the court of the gate round about.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:14 He made also posts, threescore cubits; and the court [reached] unto the posts, round about the gate.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:14 Next he measured the gateposts to be sixty cubits high. The gateway extended around to the gatepost of the courtyard.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:14 Et fecit frontes per sexaginta cubitos, et ad frontem atrium portæ undique per circuitum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:14 Und er machte die Pfeiler sechzig Ellen, und an den Pfeilern war der Vorhof, am Tor ringsherum.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:14 καὶ τὸ αἴθριον τοῦ αιλαμ τῆς πύλης ἑξήκοντα πήχεις εἴκοσι θεϊμ τῆς πύλης κύκλῳ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:14 He measured the gateposts, sixty cubits high, and the court all around the gateway extended to the gatepost.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:15 ============
Eze 40:15 From the front of the entrance gate to the front of the inner porch of the gate was fifty cubits.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:15 Before the inwarde parte vnto the fore entre of the ynnermer dore, were fiftie cubites.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:15 And vpon the forefront of the entry of the gate vnto the forefront of the porch of the gate within were fiftie cubites.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:15 And from the forefront of the entrie of the gate, vnto the forefront of the gate within were fiftie cubites.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:15 And from the face of the gate of the entrance unto the face of the porch of the inner gate were fifty cubits.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:15 And from the front of the gate of the entrance unto the front of the porch of the inner gate were fifty cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:15 And [from] the forefront of the gate at the entrance unto the forefront of the inner porch of the gate were fifty cubits.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:15 And the distance from the entrance of the gateway to the far end of its inner portico was fifty cubits.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:15 Et ante faciem portæ quæ pertingebat usque ad faciem vestibuli portæ interioris, quinquaginta cubitos.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:15 Und vom Tor, da man hineingeht, bis außen an die Halle an der innern Seite des Tors waren fünfzig Ellen.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:15 καὶ τὸ αἴθριον τῆς πύλης ἔξωθεν εἰς τὸ αἴθριον αιλαμ τῆς πύλης ἔσωθεν πηχῶν πεντήκοντα(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:15 From the front of the entrance gate to the front of the vestibule of the inner gate was fifty cubits.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:16 ============
Eze 40:16 There were shuttered windows looking toward the guardrooms, and toward their side pillars within the gate all around, and likewise for the porches. And there were windows all around inside; and on each side pillar were palm tree ornaments.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:16 The chambers and their pilers within, rounde aboute vnto ye dore, had syde wyndowes: So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde aboute within. And vpon the pilers there stode date trees.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:16 And there were narrowe windowes in the chambers, & in their postes within the gate round about, and likewise to the arches: and the windowes went rounde about within: and vpon the postes were palme trees.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:16 And there were narowe windowes in the chambers, and in the frontes within the gate rounde about: & so in the arches: and the windowes went rounde about within, and vpon the frontes were paulme trees.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:16 And there were narrow windows to the little chambers, and to their posts within the gate round about, and likewise to the arches: and windows were round about inward: and upon each post were palm trees.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:16 And there were closed windows to the chambers, and to their posts within the gate round about, and likewise to the projections; and the windows round about were inward; and upon [each] post were palm-trees.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:16 And there were closed windows to the lodges, and to their posts within the gate round about, and likewise to the arches; and windows were round about inward; and upon [each] post were palm-trees.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:16 The gate chambers and their side pillars had beveled windows all around the inside of the gateway. The porticos also had windows all around on the inside. Each side pillar was decorated with palm trees.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:16 Et fenestras obliquas in thalamis et in frontibus eorum, quæ erant intra portam undique per circuitum: similiter autem erant et in vestibulis fenestræ per gyrum intrinsecus, et ante frontes pictura palmarum.~(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:16 Und es waren enge Fensterlein an den Gemächern und an den Pfeilern hineinwärts am Tor ringsumher. Also waren auch Fenster inwendig an der Halle herum, und an den Pfeilern war Palmlaubwerk.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:16 καὶ θυρίδες κρυπταὶ ἐπὶ τὰ θεϊμ καὶ ἐπὶ τὰ αιλαμ ἔσωθεν τῆς πύλης τῆς αὐλῆς κυκλόθεν καὶ ὡσαύτως τοῖς αιλαμ θυρίδες κύκλῳ ἔσωθεν καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ αιλαμ φοίνικες ἔνθεν καὶ ἔνθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:16 There were beveled window frames in the gate chambers and in their intervening archways on the inside of the gateway all around, and likewise in the vestibules. There were windows all around on the inside. And on each gatepost were palm trees.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:17 ============
Eze 40:17 Then he brought me into the outer court, and behold, there were chambers and a pavement made for the court all around; thirty chambers faced the pavement.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:17 Then brought he me in to the fore courte, where as were chabres & paued workes, made in ye fore courte roude aboute: xxx chabres vpon one paued worcke.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:17 Then brought he me into the outwarde court, and lo, there were chambers, & a pauement made for the court round about, & thirtie chambers were vpon the pauement.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:17 Then brought he me into the outward court, where as were chambers, and a pauement made for the court rounde about: thirtie chambers were vpon the pauement.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:17 Then brought he me into the outward court, and, lo, there were chambers, and a pavement made for the court round about: thirty chambers were upon the pavement.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:17 And he brought me into the outer court, and behold, there were cells, and a pavement made for the court round about: thirty cells were upon the pavement.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:17 Then brought he me into the outer court; and, lo, there were chambers and a pavement, made for the court round about: thirty chambers were upon the pavement.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:17 Then he brought me into the outer court, and there were chambers and a pavement laid out all around the court. Thirty chambers faced the pavement,(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:17 Et eduxit me ad atrium exterius: et ecce gazophylacia, et pavimentum stratum lapide in atrio per circuitum: triginta gazophylacia in circuitu pavimenti.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:17 Und er führte mich weiter zum äußern Vorhof, und siehe, da waren Kammern und ein Pflaster gemacht am Vorhofe herum; dreißig Kammern waren auf dem Pflaster.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:17 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με εἰς τὴν αὐλὴν τὴν ἐσωτέραν καὶ ἰδοὺ παστοφόρια καὶ περίστυλα κύκλῳ τῆς αὐλῆς τριάκοντα παστοφόρια ἐν τοῖς περιστύλοις(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:17 Then he brought me into the outer court; and there were chambers and a pavement made all around the court; thirty chambers faced the pavement.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:18 ============
Eze 40:18 The pavement (that is, the lower pavement) was by the side of the gates, corresponding to the length of the gates.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:18 Now the paued worke was a loge besyde the dores, and that was the lower paued worke.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:18 And the pauement was by the side of the gates ouer against the length of the gates, and the pauement was beneath.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:18 And the pauement was by the side of the gates, ouer against the length of the gates: and the pauement was beneath.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:18 And the pavement by the side of the gates over against the length of the gates was the lower pavement.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:18 And the pavement was by the side of the gates, answering to the length of the gates, [namely] the lower pavement.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:18 And the pavement was by the side of the gates, answerable unto the length of the gates, even the lower pavement.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:18 which flanked the gateways and corresponded to the length of the gates; this was the lower pavement.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:18 Et pavimentum in fronte portarum, secundum longitudinem portarum erat inferius.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:18 Und es war das Pflaster zur Seite der Tore, solang die Tore waren, nämlich das untere Pflaster.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:18 καὶ αἱ στοαὶ κατὰ νώτου τῶν πυλῶν κατὰ τὸ μῆκος τῶν πυλῶν τὸ περίστυλον τὸ ὑποκάτω(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:18 The pavement was by the side of the gateways, corresponding to the length of the gateways; this was the lower pavement.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:19 ============
Eze 40:19 Then he measured the width from the front of the lower gate to the front of the exterior of the inner court, a hundred cubits on the east and on the north.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:19 After this, he measured ye bredth from the lower dore, vnto the ynnermer courte of the outsyde, which had an hundreth cubites vpon the east & the north parte.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:19 Then hee measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate without, vnto the forefront of the court within, an hundreth cubits Eastward and Northward.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:19 Then he measured the breadth fro the forefront of the lower gate without, vnto the forefront of the court within, a hundreth cubites eastwarde and northwarde.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:19 Then he measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate unto the forefront of the inner court without, an hundred cubits eastward and northward.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:19 And he measured the breadth from the front of the lower gate unto the front of the inner court outside, a hundred cubits eastward and northward.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:19 Then he measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate unto the forefront of the inner court without, a hundred cubits, [both] on the east and on the north.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:19 Then he measured the distance from the front of the lower gateway to the outside of the inner court; it was a hundred cubits on the east side as well as on the north.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:19 Et mensus est latitudinem a facie portæ inferioris usque ad frontem atrii interioris extrinsecus: centum cubitos ad orientem et ad aquilonem.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:19 Und er maß die Breite von dem untern Tor an bis vor den innern Hof auswendig hundert Ellen, gegen Morgen und gegen Mitternacht.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:19 καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὸ πλάτος τῆς αὐλῆς ἀπὸ τοῦ αἰθρίου τῆς πύλης τῆς ἐξωτέρας ἔσωθεν ἐπὶ τὸ αἴθριον τῆς πύλης τῆς βλεπούσης ἔξω πήχεις ἑκατόν τῆς βλεπούσης κατ᾽ ἀνατολάς καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με ἐπὶ βορρᾶν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:19 Then he measured the width from the front of the lower gateway to the front of the inner court exterior, one hundred cubits toward the east and the north.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:20 ============
Eze 40:20 As for the gate of the outer court which faced the north, he measured its length and its width.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:20 And the dore in the vttemost courte towarde the north, measured he after the legth and bredth:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:20 And the gate of the outwarde court, that looked toward the North, measured he after the length and breadth thereof.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:20 And the gate in the outward court that loked toward the north, measured he after the length and breadth therof.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:20 And the gate of the outward court that looked toward the north, he measured the length thereof, and the breadth thereof.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:20 And the gate of the outer court, that looked toward the north, he measured its length and its breadth.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:20 And the gate of the outer court whose prospect is toward the north, he measured the length thereof and the breadth thereof.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:20 He also measured the length and width of the gateway of the outer court facing north.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:20 Portam quoque quæ respiciebat viam aquilonis atrii exterioris, mensus est tam in longitudine quam in latitudine.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:20 Er maß auch das Tor, so gegen Mitternacht lag, am äußern Vorhof, nach der Länge und Breite.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:20 καὶ ἰδοὺ πύλη βλέπουσα πρὸς βορρᾶν τῇ αὐλῇ τῇ ἐξωτέρᾳ καὶ διεμέτρησεν αὐτήν τό τε μῆκος αὐτῆς καὶ τὸ πλάτος(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:20 On the outer court was also a gateway facing north, and he measured its length and its width.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:21 ============
Eze 40:21 It had three guardrooms on each side; and its side pillars and its porches had the same measurement as the first gate. Its length was fifty cubits and the width twenty-five cubits.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:21 his thre chambres also on either syde, with his pilers & fore entries: which had euen the measure of the first dore. His heyth was fiftie cubites, the bredth xxv cubites:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:21 And the chambers thereof were, three on this side, and three on that side, and the postes thereof and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fiftie cubites, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:21 And the chambers therof were three on this side, and three on that side: and the frontes therof, and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fiftie cubites, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:21 And the little chambers thereof were three on this side and three on that side; and the posts thereof and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:21 And its chambers were three on this side and three on that side; and its posts and its projections were according to the measure of the first gate: its length was fifty cubits, and breadth five and twenty cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:21 And the lodges thereof were three on this side and three on that side; and the posts thereof and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:21 Its three gate chambers on each side, its side pillars, and its portico all had the same measurements as the first gate: fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:21 Et thalamos ejus tres hinc et tres inde, et frontem ejus et vestibulum ejus secundum mensuram portæ prioris, quinquaginta cubitorum longitudinem ejus, et latitudinem viginti quinque cubitorum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:21 Das hatte auch auf jeder Seite drei Gemächer und hatte auch seine Pfeiler und Halle, gleich so groß wie am vorigen Tor, fünfzig Ellen die Länge und fünfundzwanzig Ellen die Breite.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:21 καὶ τὰ θεε τρεῖς ἔνθεν καὶ τρεῖς ἔνθεν καὶ τὰ αιλευ καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω καὶ τοὺς φοίνικας αὐτῆς καὶ ἐγένετο κατὰ τὰ μέτρα τῆς πύλης τῆς βλεπούσης κατὰ ἀνατολὰς πηχῶν πεντήκοντα τὸ μῆκος αὐτῆς καὶ πηχῶν εἴκοσι πέντε τὸ εὖρος αὐτῆς(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:21 Its gate chambers, three on this side and three on that side, its gateposts and its archways, had the same measurements as the first gate; its length was fifty cubits and its width twenty-five cubits.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:22 ============
Eze 40:22 Its windows and its porches and its palm tree ornaments had the same measurements as the gate which faced toward the east; and it was reached by seven steps, and its porch was in front of them.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:22 his wyndowes & porches with his datetrees, had euen like measure as the dore towarde the east: there where vij steppes to go vp vpo, & their porche before them.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:22 And their windowes, and their arches with their palme trees, were after the measure of the gate that looketh toward the East, and the going vp vnto it had seuen steppes, and the arches therof were before them.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:22 And their windowes and their arches with their paulme trees were after the measure of the gate that loketh toward the east: and the goyng vp vnto it had seuen steppes, and the arches thereof were before them.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:22 And their windows, and their arches, and their palm trees, were after the measure of the gate that looketh toward the east; and they went up unto it by seven steps; and the arches thereof were before them.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:22 And its windows, and its projections, and its palm-trees were according to the measure of the gate that looked toward the east; and they went up to it by seven steps; and the projections thereof were before them.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:22 And the windows thereof, and the arches thereof, and the palm-trees thereof, were after the measure of the gate whose prospect is toward the east; and they went up unto it by seven steps; and the arches thereof were before them.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:22 Its windows, portico, and palm trees had the same measurements as those of the gate facing east. Seven steps led up to it, with its portico opposite them.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:22 Fenestræ autem ejus, et vestibulum, et sculpturæ secundum mensuram portæ quæ respiciebat ad orientem: et septem graduum erat ascensus ejus, et vestibulum ante eam.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:22 Und hatte auch seine Fenster und seine Halle und sein Palmlaubwerk, gleich wie das Tor gegen Morgen; und hatte seine Halle davor.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:22 καὶ αἱ θυρίδες αὐτῆς καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω καὶ οἱ φοίνικες αὐτῆς καθὼς ἡ πύλη ἡ βλέπουσα κατὰ ἀνατολάς καὶ ἐν ἑπτὰ κλιμακτῆρσιν ἀνέβαινον ἐπ᾽ αὐτήν καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω ἔσωθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:22 Its windows and those of its archways, and also its palm trees, had the same measurements as the gateway facing east; it was ascended by seven steps, and its archway was in front of it.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:23 ============
Eze 40:23 The inner court had a gate opposite the gate on the north as well as the gate on the east; and he measured a hundred cubits from gate to gate.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:23 Now ye dore of the ynnermer courte stode straight ouer agaynst the dore, that was towarde ye north east. From one dore to another, he measured an C cubites.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:23 And the gate of the inner court stoode ouer against the gate towarde the North, and towarde the East, and hee measured from gate to gate an hundreth cubites.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:23 And the gate of the inner court stoode ouer against the gate towarde the north and toward the east, and he measured from gate to gate a hundreth cubites.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:23 And the gate of the inner court was over against the gate toward the north, and toward the east; and he measured from gate to gate an hundred cubits.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:23 And the gate of the inner court was opposite to the gate toward the north, and toward the east; and he measured from gate to gate a hundred cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:23 And there was a gate to the inner court over against the [other] gate, [both] on the north and on the east; and he measured from gate to gate a hundred cubits.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:23 There was a gate to the inner court facing the north gate, just as there was on the east. He measured the distance from gateway to gateway to be a hundred cubits.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:23 Et porta atrii interioris contra portam aquilonis et orientalem: et mensus est a porta usque ad portam centum cubitos.~(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:23 Und es waren Tore am innern Vorhof gegenüber den Toren, so gegen Mitternacht und Morgen standen; und er maß hundert Ellen von einem Tor zum andern.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:23 καὶ πύλη τῇ αὐλῇ τῇ ἐσωτέρᾳ βλέπουσα ἐπὶ πύλην τοῦ βορρᾶ ὃν τρόπον τῆς πύλης τῆς βλεπούσης κατὰ ἀνατολάς καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὴν αὐλὴν ἀπὸ πύλης ἐπὶ πύλην πήχεις ἑκατόν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:23 A gate of the inner court was opposite the northern gateway, just as the eastern gateway; and he measured from gateway to gateway, one hundred cubits.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:24 ============
Eze 40:24 Then he led me toward the south, and behold, there was a gate toward the south; and he measured its side pillars and its porches according to those same measurements.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:24 After that, he brought me to the south syde, where there stode a dore towarde ye south: whose pilers and porches he measured, these had the fyrst measure,(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:24 After that, he brought mee towarde the South, and loe, there was a gate towarde the South, and hee measured the postes thereof, and the arches thereof according to these measures.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:24 After that he brought me towarde the south, where there stoode a gate towarde the south, and he measured the frontes therof and the arches therof according to those measures.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:24 After that he brought me toward the south, and behold a gate toward the south: and he measured the posts thereof and the arches thereof according to these measures.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:24 And he brought me toward the south: and behold, there was a gate toward the south; and he measured its posts and its projections according to these measures.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:24 And he led me toward the south; and, behold, a gate toward the south: and he measured the posts thereof and the arches thereof according to these measures.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:24 Then he led me to the south side, and I saw a gateway facing south. He measured its side pillars and portico, and they had the same measurements as the others.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:24 Et eduxit me ad viam australem: et ecce porta quæ respiciebat ad austrum: et mensus est frontem ejus et vestibulum ejus juxta mensuras superiores.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:24 Darnach führte er mich gegen Mittag, und siehe, da war auch ein Tor gegen Mittag; und er maß seine Pfeiler und Halle gleich wie die andern.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:24 καὶ ἤγαγέν με κατὰ νότον καὶ ἰδοὺ πύλη βλέπουσα πρὸς νότον καὶ διεμέτρησεν αὐτὴν καὶ τὰ θεε καὶ τὰ αιλευ καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω κατὰ τὰ μέτρα ταῦτα(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:24 After that he brought me toward the south, and there a gateway was facing south; and he measured its gateposts and archways according to these same measurements.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:25 ============
Eze 40:25 The gate and its porches had windows all around like those other windows; the length was fifty cubits and the width twenty-five cubits.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:25 & with their porches they had wyndowes rounde aboute, like the first wyndowes. The heyth was l cubites, ye bredth xxv,(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:25 And there were windowes in it, and in the arches thereof round about, like those windowes: the height was fiftie cubites, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:25 And there were windowes in it, and in the arches therof round about like these windowes: the length was fiftie cubites, & the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:25 And there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about, like those windows: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:25 And there were windows to it and to its projections round about, like those windows: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:25 And there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about, like those windows: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:25 Both the gateway and its portico had windows all around, like the other windows. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:25 Et fenestras ejus, et vestibula in circuitu, sicut fenestras ceteras: quinquaginta cubitorum longitudine, et latitudine viginti quinque cubitorum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:25 Und es waren auch Fenster an ihm und an seiner Halle umher, gleich wie jene Fenster; und es war fünfzig Ellen lang und fünfundzwanzig Ellen breit.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:25 καὶ αἱ θυρίδες αὐτῆς καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω κυκλόθεν καθὼς αἱ θυρίδες τοῦ αιλαμ πηχῶν πεντήκοντα τὸ μῆκος αὐτῆς καὶ πηχῶν εἴκοσι πέντε τὸ εὖρος αὐτῆς(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:25 There were windows in it and in its archways all around like those windows; its length was fifty cubits and its width twenty-five cubits.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:26 ============
Eze 40:26 There were seven steps going up to it, and its porches were in front of them; and it had palm tree ornaments on its side pillars, one on each side.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:26 with steppes to go vp vpon: his porche stode before him, with his pilers and datetrees on either syde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:26 And there were seuen steps to go vp to it, and the arches thereof were before them: and it had palme trees, one on this side, and another on that side vpon the post thereof.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:26 And there were seuen steppes at the goyng vp to it, and the arches therof before them: & it had paulme trees, one on this side, and an other on that side, vpon the front therof.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:26 And there were seven steps to go up to it, and the arches thereof were before them: and it had palm trees, one on this side, and another on that side, upon the posts thereof.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:26 And there were seven steps to go up to it; and its projections were before them; and it had palm-trees, one on this side and one on that side, upon its posts.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:26 And there were seven steps to go up to it, and the arches thereof were before them; and it had palm-trees, one on this side, and another on that side, upon the posts thereof.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:26 Seven steps led up to it, and its portico was opposite them; it had palm trees on its side pillars, one on each side.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:26 Et in gradibus septem ascendebatur ad eam, et vestibulum ante fores ejus: et cælatæ palmæ erant, una hinc, et altera inde, in fronte ejus.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:26 Und waren auch sieben Stufen hinauf und eine Halle davor und Palmlaubwerk an ihren Pfeilern auf jeglicher Seite.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:26 καὶ ἑπτὰ κλιμακτῆρες αὐτῇ καὶ αιλαμμω ἔσωθεν καὶ φοίνικες αὐτῇ εἷς ἔνθεν καὶ εἷς ἔνθεν ἐπὶ τὰ αιλευ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:26 Seven steps led up to it, and its archway was in front of them; and it had palm trees on its gateposts, one on this side and one on that side.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:27 ============
Eze 40:27 The inner court had a gate toward the south; and he measured from gate to gate toward the south, a hundred cubits.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:27 And the dore of the ynnermer courte stode towarde the south, & he measured from one dore to another an C cubites.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:27 And there was a gate in the inner court towarde the South, and he measured from gate to gate towarde the South an hundreth cubites.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:27 And there was a gate in the inner court towarde the south, and he measured from gate to gate toward the south, a hundred cubites.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:27 And there was a gate in the inner court toward the south: and he measured from gate to gate toward the south an hundred cubits.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:27 And there was a gate to the inner court toward the south; and he measured from gate to gate toward the south, a hundred cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:27 And there was a gate to the inner court toward the south: and he measured from gate to gate toward the south a hundred cubits.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:27 The inner court also had a gate facing south, and he measured the distance from gateway to gateway toward the south to be a hundred cubits.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:27 Et porta atrii interioris in via australi: et mensus est a porta usque ad portam in via australi, centum cubitos.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:27 Und es war auch ein Tor am innern Vorhof gegen Mittag, und er maß hundert Ellen von dem einen Mittagstor zum andern.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:27 καὶ πύλη κατέναντι πύλης τῆς αὐλῆς τῆς ἐσωτέρας πρὸς νότον καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὴν αὐλὴν ἀπὸ πύλης ἐπὶ πύλην πήχεις ἑκατὸν τὸ εὖρος πρὸς νότον(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:27 There was also a gateway on the inner court, facing south; and he measured from gateway to gateway toward the south, one hundred cubits.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:28 ============
Eze 40:28 Then he brought me to the inner court by the south gate; and he measured the south gate according to those same measurements.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:28 So he brought me in to ye ynnermer courte, thorow the dore of the south syde: which he measured, & it had the measure afore sayde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:28 And he brought me into the inner court by the South gate, and he measured the South gate according to these measures,(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:28 So he brought me into the inner court thorowe the south gate, and he measured the south gate according to those measures.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:28 And he brought me to the inner court by the south gate: and he measured the south gate according to these measures;(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:28 And he brought me into the inner court by the south gate; and he measured the south gate according to these measures:(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:28 Then he brought me to the inner court by the south gate: and he measured the south gate according to these measures;(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:28 Next he brought me into the inner court through the south gate, and he measured the south gate; it had the same measurements as the others.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:28 Et introduxit me in atrium interius ad portam australem: et mensus est portam juxta mensuras superiores.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:28 Und er führte mich weiter durchs Mittagstor in den innern Vorhof und maß dasselbe Tor gleich so groß wie die andern,(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:28 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με εἰς τὴν αὐλὴν τὴν ἐσωτέραν τῆς πύλης τῆς πρὸς νότον καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὴν πύλην κατὰ τὰ μέτρα ταῦτα(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:28 Then he brought me to the inner court through the southern gateway; he measured the southern gateway according to these same measurements.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:29 ============
Eze 40:29 Its guardrooms also, its side pillars and its porches were according to those same measurements. And the gate and its porches had windows all around; it was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:29 In like maner, his chambres, pilers and fore entries, had euen the fore sayde measure also. And he had with his porches rounde aboute, wyndowes of l cubites hye, & xxv cubites brode.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:29 And the chambers thereof, and the postes thereof, and the arches thereof according to these measures, and there were windowes in it, and in the arches thereof rounde about, it was fiftie cubites long and fiue and twentie cubites broade.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:29 And the chambers thereof, the frontes therof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures, and wyndowes in it: and in the arches thereof round about, fiftie cubites long, and fiue and twentie cubites broade.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:29 And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures: and there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:29 and its chambers, and its posts, and its projections, according to these measures; and there were windows to it and to its projections round about: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty-five cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:29 and the lodges thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures: and there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about; it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:29 Its gate chambers, side pillars, and portico had the same measurements as the others. Both the gateway and its portico had windows all around; it was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:29 Thalamum ejus, et frontem ejus, et vestibulum ejus eisdem mensuris, et fenestras ejus, et vestibulum ejus in circuitu, quinquaginta cubitos longitudinis, et latitudinis viginti quinque cubitos.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:29 mit seinen Gemächern, Pfeilern und Halle und mit Fenstern an ihm und an seiner Halle, ebenso groß wie jene, ringsumher; und es waren fünfzig Ellen lang und fünfundzwanzig Ellen breit.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:29 καὶ τὰ θεε καὶ τὰ αιλευ καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω κατὰ τὰ μέτρα ταῦτα καὶ θυρίδες αὐτῇ καὶ τῷ αιλαμμω κύκλῳ πήχεις πεντήκοντα τὸ μῆκος αὐτῆς καὶ τὸ εὖρος πήχεις εἴκοσι πέντε(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:29 Also its gate chambers, its gateposts, and its archways were according to these same measurements; there were windows in it and in its archways all around; it was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:30 ============
Eze 40:30 There were porches all around, twenty-five cubits long and five cubits wide.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:30 The porches rounde aboute were xxv cubites longe, and v cubites brode:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:30 And the arches round about were fiue and twenty cubites long, and fiue cubites broad.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:30 And the arches round about were fiue and twentie cubites long, and fiue cubites broade.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:30 And the arches round about were five and twenty cubits long, and five cubits broad.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:30 And there were projections round about, twenty-five cubits long, and five cubits broad.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:30 And there were arches round about, five and twenty cubits long, and five cubits broad.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:30 (The porticoes around the inner court were twenty-five cubits long and five cubits deep.)(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:30 Et vestibulum per gyrum longitudine viginti quinque cubitorum, et latitudine quinque cubitorum:(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:30 Und es ging eine Halle herum, fünfundzwanzig Ellen lang und fünf Ellen breit.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:30 vs not in LXX(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:30 There were archways all around, twenty-five cubits long and five cubits wide.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:31 ============
Eze 40:31 Its porches were toward the outer court; and palm tree ornaments were on its side pillars, and its stairway had eight steps.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:31 and his porch reached vnto ye vttemost courte: vpon his pilers there were date trees, and viij steppes to go vp vpon.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:31 And the arches thereof were towarde the vtter court, and palme trees were vpon the postes thereof, and the going vp to it had eight steppes.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:31 And the arches therof were toward the vtter court, and paulme trees vpon the frontes therof, & the goyng vp to it had eyght steppes.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:31 And the arches thereof were toward the utter court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof: and the going up to it had eight steps.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:31 And its projections were toward the outer court; and there were palm-trees upon its posts: and its ascent was [by] eight steps.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:31 And the arches thereof were toward the outer court; and palm-trees were upon the posts thereof: and the ascent to it had eight steps.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:31 Its portico faced the outer court, and its side pillars were decorated with palm trees. Eight steps led up to it.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:31 et vestibulum ejus ad atrium exterius, et palmas ejus in fronte: et octo gradus erant quibus ascendebatur per eam.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:31 Und die Halle, so gegen den äußeren Vorhof stand, hatte auch Palmlaubwerk an den Pfeilern; es waren aber acht Stufen hinaufzugehen.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:31 καὶ αιλαμμω εἰς τὴν αὐλὴν τὴν ἐξωτέραν καὶ φοίνικες τῷ αιλευ καὶ ὀκτὼ κλιμακτῆρες(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:31 Its archways faced the outer court, palm trees were on its gateposts, and going up to it were eight steps.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:32 ============
Eze 40:32 He brought me into the inner court toward the east. And he measured the gate according to those same measurements.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:32 He brought me also in to the ynmost courte vpon the east syde, and measured the dore, acordinge to ye measure afore sayde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:32 Againe he brought me into ye inner court toward the East, and he measured the gate according to these measures.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:32 He brought me also into the inmost court toward the east, and measured the gate according to those measures.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:32 And he brought me into the inner court toward the east: and he measured the gate according to these measures.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:32 And he brought me into the inner court toward the east; and he measured the gate according to these measures:(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:32 And he brought me into the inner court toward the east: and he measured the gate according to these measures;(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:32 And he brought me to the inner court on the east side, and he measured the gateway; it had the same measurements as the others.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:32 Et introduxit me in atrium interius, per viam orientalem: et mensus est portam secundum mensuras superiores.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:32 Darnach führte er mich zum innern Vorhof gegen Morgen und maß das Tor gleich so groß wie die andern,(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:32 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με εἰς τὴν πύλην τὴν βλέπουσαν κατὰ ἀνατολὰς καὶ διεμέτρησεν αὐτὴν κατὰ τὰ μέτρα ταῦτα(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:32 And he brought me into the inner court facing east; he measured the gateway according to these same measurements.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:33 ============
Eze 40:33 Its guardrooms also, its side pillars and its porches were according to those same measurements. And the gate and its porches had windows all around; it was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:33 His chabers, pilers and porches had euen the same measure, as the first had: & with his porches he had wyndowes roude aboute. The heith was l cubites, ye bredth xxv cubites:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:33 And the chambers thereof, and the postes thereof, and the arches thereof were according to these measures, and there were windowes therein, and in the arches thereof round about, it was fiftie cubites long, and fiue and twentie cubites broade.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:33 And the chambers thereof, and frontes therof, and the arches therof were according to these measures, & there were windowes therin, and in the arches therof round about: it was fiftie cubites long, & fiue and twentie cubites broade.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:33 And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, were according to these measures: and there were windows therein and in the arches thereof round about: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:33 and its chambers, and its posts, and its projections, according to these measures; and there were windows to it and to its projections round about: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty-five cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:33 and the lodges thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures: and there were windows therein and in the arches thereof round about; it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:33 Its gate chambers, side pillars, and portico had the same measurements as the others. Both the gateway and its portico had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:33 Thalamum ejus, et frontem ejus, et vestibulum ejus, sicut supra: et fenestras ejus, et vestibula ejus in circuitu, longitudine quinquaginta cubitorum, et latitudine viginti quinque cubitorum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:33 mit seinen Gemächern, Pfeilern und Halle, gleich so groß wie die andern, und mit Fenstern an ihm und an seiner Halle ringsumher; und es war fünfzig Ellen lang und fünfundzwanzig Ellen breit.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:33 καὶ τὰ θεε καὶ τὰ αιλευ καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω κατὰ τὰ μέτρα ταῦτα καὶ θυρίδες αὐτῇ καὶ τῷ αιλαμμω κύκλῳ πήχεις πεντήκοντα μῆκος αὐτῆς καὶ εὖρος πήχεις εἴκοσι πέντε(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:33 Also its gate chambers, its gateposts, and its archways were according to these same measurements; and there were windows in it and in its archways all around; it was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:34 ============
Eze 40:34 Its porches were toward the outer court; and palm tree ornaments were on its side pillars, on each side, and its stairway had eight steps.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:34 His porches reached vnto the vttemost courte: his pilers also had date trees on either syde, and viij steppes to go vp vpon.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:34 And the arches thereof were towarde the vtter court, and palme trees were vpon the postes thereof, on this side and on that side, & the going vp to it had eight steppes.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:34 And the arches therof were towarde the vtter court, and paulme trees vpon the frontes thereof on this side and on that side, & the goyng vp to it had eyght steppes.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:34 And the arches thereof were toward the outward court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the going up to it had eight steps.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:34 And its projections were toward the outer court; and there were palm-trees upon its posts on this side and on that side: and its ascent was [by] eight steps.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:34 And the arches thereof were toward the outer court; and palm-trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the ascent to it had eight steps.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:34 Its portico faced the outer court, and its side pillars were decorated with palm trees on each side. Eight steps led up to it.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:34 Et vestibulum ejus, id est, atrii exterioris, et palmæ cælatæ in fronte ejus, hinc et inde: et in octo gradibus ascensus ejus.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:34 Und seine Halle stand auch gegen den äußern Vorhof und Palmlaubwerk an ihren Pfeilern zu beiden Seiten und acht Stufen hinauf.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:34 καὶ αιλαμμω εἰς τὴν αὐλὴν τὴν ἐσωτέραν καὶ φοίνικες ἐπὶ τοῦ αιλευ ἔνθεν καὶ ἔνθεν καὶ ὀκτὼ κλιμακτῆρες αὐτῇ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:34 Its archways faced the outer court, and palm trees were on its gateposts on this side and on that side; and going up to it were eight steps.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:35 ============
Eze 40:35 Then he brought me to the north gate; and he measured it according to those same measurements,(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:35 And he brought me to the north dore, and measured it, which also had the foresayde measure.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:35 After he brought mee to the North gate, and measured it, according to these measures,(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:35 And he brought me to the north gate, & measured it according to those measures.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:35 And he brought me to the north gate, and measured it according to these measures;(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:35 And he brought me to the north gate, and he measured [it] according to these measures:(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:35 And he brought me to the north gate: and he measured [it] according to these measures;(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:35 Then he brought me to the north gate and measured it. It had the same measurements as the others,(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:35 Et introduxit me ad portam quæ respiciebat ad aquilonem: et mensus est secundum mensuras superiores.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:35 Darnach führte er mich zum Tor gegen Mitternacht; das maß er gleich so groß wie die andern,(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:35 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με εἰς τὴν πύλην τὴν πρὸς βορρᾶν καὶ διεμέτρησεν κατὰ τὰ μέτρα ταῦτα(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:35 Then he brought me to the north gateway and measured it according to these same measurements--(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:36 ============
Eze 40:36 with its guardrooms, its side pillars and its porches. And the gate had windows all around; the length was fifty cubits and the width twenty-five cubits.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:36 His chabres, pilers and porches had wyndowes rounde aboute: whose heyth was l cubites, and the bredth xxv.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:36 The chambers thereof, the postes thereof, and the arches thereof, and there were windowes therein round about: the height was fiftie cubits, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:36 The chambers thereof, the frontes therof, and the arches therof, and there were windowes therin rounde about: and the length was fiftie cubites, & the breadth fiue and twentie cubites.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:36 The little chambers thereof, the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, and the windows to it round about: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:36 its chambers, its posts, and its projections; and there were windows to it round about: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty-five cubits.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:36 the lodges thereof, the posts thereof, and the arches thereof: and there were windows therein round about; the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:36 as did its gate chambers, side pillars, and portico. It also had windows all around. It was fifty cubits long and twenty-five cubits wide.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:36 Thalamum ejus, et frontem ejus, et vestibulum ejus, et fenestras ejus per circuitum, longitudine quinquaginta cubitorum, et latitudine viginti quinque cubitorum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:36 mit seinen Gemächern, Pfeilern und Halle und ihren Fenstern ringsumher, fünfzig Ellen lang und fünfundzwanzig Ellen breit.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:36 καὶ τὰ θεε καὶ τὰ αιλευ καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω καὶ θυρίδες αὐτῇ κύκλῳ καὶ τῷ αιλαμμω αὐτῆς πήχεις πεντήκοντα μῆκος αὐτῆς καὶ εὖρος πήχεις εἴκοσι πέντε(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:36 also its gate chambers, its gateposts, and its archways. It had windows all around; its length was fifty cubits and its width twenty-five cubits.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:37 ============
Eze 40:37 Its side pillars were toward the outer court; and palm tree ornaments were on its side pillars on each side, and its stairway had eight steps.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:37 His pilers stode towarde the vttemost courte, and vpon them both were date trees, and viij steppes to go vp vpon.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:37 And the postes thereof were towarde the vtter court, and palme trees were vpon the postes thereof on this side, and on that side, & the going vp to it had eight steps.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:37 And the frontes therof were towarde the vtter court, and paulme trees were vpon the frontes therof on this side, and on that side, and the goyng vp to it had eyght steppes.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:37 And the posts thereof were toward the utter court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the going up to it had eight steps.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:37 And its posts were toward the outer court; and there were palm-trees upon its posts, on this side and on that side: and its ascent was [by] eight steps.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:37 And the posts thereof were toward the outer court; and palm-trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the ascent to it had eight steps.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:37 Its portico faced the outer court, and its side pillars were decorated with palm trees on each side. Eight steps led up to it.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:37 Et vestibulum ejus respiciebat ad atrium exterius: et cælatura palmarum in fronte ejus, hinc et inde: et in octo gradibus ascensus ejus.~(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:37 Und seine Halle stand auch gegen den äußern Vorhof und Palmlaubwerk an den Pfeilern zu beiden Seiten und acht Stufen hinauf.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:37 καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω εἰς τὴν αὐλὴν τὴν ἐξωτέραν καὶ φοίνικες τῷ αιλευ ἔνθεν καὶ ἔνθεν καὶ ὀκτὼ κλιμακτῆρες αὐτῇ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:37 Its gateposts faced the outer court, palm trees were on its gateposts on this side and on that side, and going up to it were eight steps.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:38 ============
Eze 40:38 A chamber with its doorway was by the side pillars at the gates; there they rinse the burnt offering.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:38 There stode a chambre also, whose intrauce was at the dore pilers, and there the burntoffringes were wa?shed.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:38 And euery chamber, and the entrie thereof was vnder the postes of the gates: there they washed the burnt offring.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:38 And a chamber and the entrie thereof was vnder the frotes of the gates: there they washed the burnt offeringes.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:38 And the chambers and the entries thereof were by the posts of the gates, where they washed the burnt offering.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:38 And there was a cell and its entry by the posts of the gates; there they rinsed the burnt-offering.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:38 And a chamber with the door thereof was by the posts at the gates; there they washed the burnt-offering.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:38 There was a chamber with a doorway by the portico in each of the inner gateways. There the burnt offering was to be washed.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:38 Et per singula gazophylacia ostium in frontibus portarum: ibi lavabant holocaustum.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:38 Und unten an den Pfeilern an jedem Tor war eine Kammer mit einer Tür, darin man das Brandopfer wusch.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:38 τὰ παστοφόρια αὐτῆς καὶ τὰ θυρώματα αὐτῆς καὶ τὰ αιλαμμω αὐτῆς ἐπὶ τῆς πύλης(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:38 There was a chamber and its entrance by the gateposts of the gateway, where they washed the burnt offering.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:39 ============
Eze 40:39 In the porch of the gate were two tables on each side, on which to slaughter the burnt offering, the sin offering and the guilt offering.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:39 In the dore porche, there stode on ether syde two tables for the slaughtinge: to slaye the brentoffringes, synneoffringes and trespaceoffringes thervpon.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:39 And in the porch of the gate stoode two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, vpon the which they slew the burnt offring, and the sinne offring, and the trespas offring.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:39 And in the porche of the gate stoode two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, vpon the whiche they slue the burnt offering, and the sinne offering, and the trespasse offering.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:39 And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:39 And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt-offering and the sin-offering and the trespass-offering.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:39 And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt-offering and the sin-offering and the trespass-offering.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:39 Inside the portico of the gateway were two tables on each side, on which the burnt offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings were to be slaughtered.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:39 Et in vestibulo portæ, duæ mensæ hinc, et duæ mensæ inde, ut immoletur super eas holocaustum, et pro peccato et pro delicto.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:39 Aber in der Halle des Tors standen auf jeglicher Seite zwei Tische, darauf man die Brandopfer, Sündopfer und Schuldopfer schlachten sollte.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:39 τῆς δευτέρας ἔκρυσις ὅπως σφάζωσιν ἐν αὐτῇ τὰ ὑπὲρ ἁμαρτίας καὶ ὑπὲρ ἀγνοίας(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:39 In the vestibule of the gateway were two tables on this side and two tables on that side, on which to slay the burnt offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:40 ============
Eze 40:40 On the outer side, as one went up to the gateway toward the north, were two tables; and on the other side of the porch of the gate were two tables.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:40 And on the out syde as men go forth to the north dore, there stode two tables.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:40 And at the side beyond the steppes, at the entry of the North gate stoode two tables, and on the other side, which was at the porch of the gate were two tables.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:40 And at the side without the steppes at the entrie of the north gate stoode two tables, and on the other side which was at the porche of the gate were two tables.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:40 And at the side without, as one goeth up to the entry of the north gate, were two tables; and on the other side, which was at the porch of the gate, were two tables.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:40 And at the side without, at the ascent to the entry of the north gate, were two tables; and on the other side, which was at the porch of the gate, were two tables:(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:40 And on the [one] side without, as one goeth up to the entry of the gate toward the north, were two tables; and on the other side, which belonged to the porch of the gate, were two tables. [(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:40 Outside, as one goes up to the entrance of the north gateway, there were two tables on one side and two more tables on the other side of the gate's portico.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:40 Et ad latus exterius, quod ascendit ad ostium portæ quæ pergit ad aquilonem, duæ mensæ: et ad latus alterum, ante vestibulum portæ, duæ mensæ:(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:40 Und herauswärts zur Seite, da man hinaufgeht zum Tor gegen Mitternacht, standen auch zwei Tische und an der andern Seite unter der Halle des Tors auch zwei Tische.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:40 καὶ κατὰ νώτου τοῦ ῥόακος τῶν ὁλοκαυτωμάτων τῆς βλεπούσης πρὸς βορρᾶν δύο τράπεζαι πρὸς ἀνατολὰς καὶ κατὰ νώτου τῆς δευτέρας καὶ τοῦ αιλαμ τῆς πύλης δύο τράπεζαι κατὰ ἀνατολάς(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:40 At the outer side of the vestibule, as one goes up to the entrance of the northern gateway, were two tables; and on the other side of the vestibule of the gateway were two tables.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:41 ============
Eze 40:41 Four tables were on each side next to the gate; or, eight tables on which they slaughter sacrifices.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:41 Foure stables stode on ether syde of the dore, that is viij tables, whervpon they slaughted.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:41 Foure tables were on this side, and foure tables on that side by the side of the gate, euen eight tables whereupon they slew their sacrifice.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:41 Foure tables were on this side, and foure on that side by the side of the gate, euen eyght tables, wherevpon they slue their sacrifices.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:41 Four tables were on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate; eight tables, whereupon they slew their sacrifices.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:41 four tables on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate,—eight tables, whereon they slew [the sacrifice],(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:41 Four tables were on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate; eight tables, whereupon they slew [the sacrifices] .(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:41 So there were four tables inside the gateway and four outside--eight tables in all--on which the sacrifices were to be slaughtered.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:41 quatuor mensæ hinc, et quatuor mensæ inde: per latera portæ octo mensæ erant, super quas immolabant.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:41 Also standen auf jeder Seite des Tors vier Tische; das sind zusammen acht Tische, darauf man schlachtete.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:41 τέσσαρες ἔνθεν καὶ τέσσαρες ἔνθεν κατὰ νώτου τῆς πύλης ἐπ᾽ αὐτὰς σφάξουσι τὰ θύματα κατέναντι τῶν ὀκτὼ τραπεζῶν τῶν θυμάτων(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:41 Four tables were on this side and four tables on that side, by the side of the gateway, eight tables on which they slaughtered the sacrifices.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:42 ============
Eze 40:42 For the burnt offering there were four tables of hewn stone, a cubit and a half long, a cubit and a half wide and one cubit high, on which they lay the instruments with which they slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:42 Foure tables were of hewen stone for the burntoffringes, of a cubite and a half longe and brode, and one cubite hie: whervpon were layed ye vessels and ornamentes, which were vsed to, the burnt & slayne offeringes, when they were slaughted.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:42 And the foure tables were of hewen stone for the burnt offering, of a cubite and an halfe long, and a cubite and an halfe broade, and one cubite hie: whereupon also they layde the instruments wherewith they slew the burnt offring and the sacrifice.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:42 And the foure tables were of hewen stone for the burnt offring, of a cubite & a halfe long, and a cubite and a halfe broade, and one cubite hye, wherevpon were layde the instrumentes wherwith they slue the burnt offring, and the sacrifice.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:42 And the four tables were of hewn stone for the burnt offering, of a cubit and an half long, and a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit high: whereupon also they laid the instruments wherewith they slew the burnt offering and the sacrifice.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:42 —and at the ascent, four tables of hewn stone, of a cubit and a half long, and a cubit and a half broad, and one cubit high; whereon also they laid the instruments with which they slew the burnt-offering and the sacrifice.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:42 And there were four tables for the burnt-offering, of hewn stone, a cubit and a half long, and a cubit and a half broad, and one cubit high; whereupon they laid the instruments wherewith they slew the burnt-offering and the sacrifice.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:42 There were also four tables of dressed stone for the burnt offering, each a cubit and a half long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit high. On these were placed the utensils used to slaughter the burnt offerings and the other sacrifices.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:42 Quatuor autem mensæ ad holocaustum de lapidibus quadris exstructæ, longitudine cubiti unius et dimidii, et latitudine cubiti unius et dimidii, et altitudine cubiti unius: super quas ponant vasa in quibus immolatur holocaustum et victima.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:42 Und noch vier Tische, zum Brandopfer gemacht, die waren aus gehauenen Steinen, je anderthalb Ellen lang und breit und eine Elle hoch, darauf man legte allerlei Geräte, womit man Brandopfer und andere Opfer schlachtete.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:42 καὶ τέσσαρες τράπεζαι τῶν ὁλοκαυτωμάτων λίθιναι λελαξευμέναι πήχεος καὶ ἡμίσους τὸ πλάτος καὶ πήχεων δύο καὶ ἡμίσους τὸ μῆκος καὶ ἐπὶ πῆχυν τὸ ὕψος ἐπ᾽ αὐτὰς ἐπιθήσουσιν τὰ σκεύη ἐν οἷς σφάζουσιν ἐκεῖ τὰ ὁλοκαυτώματα καὶ τὰ θύματα(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:42 There were also four tables of hewn stone for the burnt offering, one cubit and a half long, one cubit and a half wide, and one cubit high; on these they laid the instruments with which they slaughtered the burnt offering and the sacrifice.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:43 ============
Eze 40:43 The double hooks, one handbreadth in length, were installed in the house all around; and on the tables was the flesh of the offering.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:43 And within there were hokes foure fyngers brode, fastened rounde aboute, to hange flesh vpon, & vpon the tables was layed the offringe flesh.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:43 And within were borders an hand broade, fastened round about, and vpon the tables lay the flesh of the offring.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:43 And within there were hookes one hand breadth long fastened rounde about, and vpon the tables was the offering fleshe.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:43 And within were hooks, an hand broad, fastened round about: and upon the tables was the flesh of the offering.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:43 And the double hooks of a hand breadth were fastened round about within; and upon the tables [they put] the flesh of the offering.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:43 And the hooks, a handbreadth long, were fastened within round about: and upon the tables was the flesh of the oblation.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:43 The double-pronged hooks, each a handbreadth long, were fastened all around the inside of the room, and the flesh of the offering was to be placed on the tables.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:43 Et labia earum palmi unius, reflexa intrinsecus per circuitum: super mensas autem carnes oblationis.~(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:43 Und es gingen Leisten herum, hineinwärts gebogen, eine quere Hand hoch. Und auf die Tische sollte man das Opferfleisch legen.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:43 καὶ παλαιστὴν ἕξουσιν γεῖσος λελαξευμένον ἔσωθεν κύκλῳ καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς τραπέζας ἐπάνωθεν στέγας τοῦ καλύπτεσθαι ἀπὸ τοῦ ὑετοῦ καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς ξηρασίας(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:43 Inside were hooks, a handbreadth wide, fastened all around; and the flesh of the sacrifices was on the tables.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:44 ============
Eze 40:44 From the outside to the inner gate were chambers for the singers in the inner court, one of which was at the side of the north gate, with its front toward the south, and one at the side of the south gate facing toward the north.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:44 On the outsyde of the ynnermer dore were the syngers chambers in the inwarde courte besyde ye north dore ouer agaynst the south. There stode one also, besyde the east dore north warde.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:44 And without the inner gate were ye chambers of the singers in the inner Court, which was at the side of the North gate: and their prospect was towarde the South, and one was at the side of the East gate, hauing the prospect towarde the North.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:44 And without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inwarde court, whiche was at the side of the north gate, and their prospect was towarde the south: and one was at the side of the east gate, hauing the prospect towarde the north.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:44 And without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their prospect was toward the south: one at the side of the east gate having the prospect toward the north.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:44 And outside the inner gate were two cells in the inner court, one at the side of the north gate, and its front towards the south; the other was at the side of the south gate, the front towards the north.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:44 And without the inner gate were chambers for the singers in the inner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their prospect was toward the south; one at the side of the east gate having the prospect toward the north.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:44 Outside the inner gate, within the inner court, were two chambers, one beside the north gate and facing south, and another beside the south gate and facing north.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:44 Et extra portam interiorem, gazophylacia cantorum in atrio interiori, quod erat in latere portæ respicientis ad aquilonem: et facies eorum contra viam australem: una ex latere portæ orientalis, quæ respiciebat ad viam aquilonis.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:44 Und außen vor dem innern Tor waren zwei Kammern im innern Vorhofe: eine an der Seite neben dem Tor zur Mitternacht, die sah gegen Mittag; die andere zur Seite des Tors gegen Mittag, die sah gegen Mitternacht.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:44 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με εἰς τὴν αὐλὴν τὴν ἐσωτέραν καὶ ἰδοὺ δύο ἐξέδραι ἐν τῇ αὐλῇ τῇ ἐσωτέρᾳ μία κατὰ νώτου τῆς πύλης τῆς βλεπούσης πρὸς βορρᾶν φέρουσα πρὸς νότον καὶ μία κατὰ νώτου τῆς πύλης τῆς πρὸς νότον βλεπούσης δὲ πρὸς βορρᾶν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:44 Outside the inner gate were the chambers for the singers in the inner court, one facing south at the side of the northern gateway, and the other facing north at the side of the southern gateway.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:45 ============
Eze 40:45 He said to me, "This is the chamber which faces toward the south, intended for the priests who keep charge of the temple;(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:45 And he sayde vnto me: This chambre on the south syde belongeth to the prestes, that kepe the habitacion:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:45 And he said vnto me, This chamber whose prospect is towarde the South, is for the Priestes that haue the charge to keepe the house.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:45 And he sayde vnto me: This chamber, whose prospect is towarde the south, is for the priestes that haue charge to kepe the house.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:45 And he said unto me, This chamber, whose prospect is toward the south, is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:45 And he said unto me, This cell whose front is towards the south is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:45 And he said unto me, This chamber, whose prospect is toward the south, is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house;(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:45 Then the man said to me: "The chamber that faces south is for the priests who keep charge of the temple,(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:45 Et dixit ad me: Hoc est gazophylacium quod respicit viam meridianam: sacerdotum erit, qui excubant in custodiis templi.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:45 Und er sprach zu mir: Die Kammer gegen Mittag gehört den Priestern, die im Hause dienen sollen;(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:45 καὶ εἶπεν πρός με ἡ ἐξέδρα αὕτη ἡ βλέπουσα πρὸς νότον τοῖς ἱερεῦσι τοῖς φυλάσσουσι τὴν φυλακὴν τοῦ οἴκου(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:45 Then he said to me, "This chamber which faces south is for the priests who have charge of the temple.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:46 ============
Eze 40:46 but the chamber which faces toward the north is for the priests who keep charge of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, who from the sons of Levi come near to the Lord to minister to Him."(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:46 and this towarde the north, is the prestes that wayte vpon the aulter: which be the sonnes of Sadoch, that do seruyce before the LORDE in steade of the children of Leui.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:46 And the chamber whose prospect is toward the North, is for the Priestes that haue the charge to keepe the altar: these are the sonnes of Zadok among ye sonnes of Leui which may come neere to the Lord to minister vnto him.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:46 And the chamber whose prospect is towarde the north is for the priestes that haue charge to kepe the aulter: these are the sonnes of Sadoc, which of the sonnes of Leui come neare to the Lorde, to minister vnto him.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:46 And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the LORD to minister unto him.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:46 And the cell whose front is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, those who, from among the sons of Levi, approach unto Jehovah to minister unto him.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:46 and the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok, who from among the sons of Levi come near to Jehovah to minister unto him.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:46 and the chamber that faces north is for the priests who keep charge of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, the only Levites who may approach the LORD to minister before Him."(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:46 Porro gazophylacium quod respicit ad viam aquilonis, sacerdotum erit, qui excubant ad ministerium altaris: isti sunt filii Sadoc, qui accedunt de filiis Levi ad Dominum ut ministrent ei.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:46 aber die Kammer gegen Mitternacht gehört den Priestern, die auf dem Altar dienen. Dies sind die Kinder Zadok, welche allein unter den Kindern Levi vor den HERRN treten sollen, ihm zu dienen.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:46 καὶ ἡ ἐξέδρα ἡ βλέπουσα πρὸς βορρᾶν τοῖς ἱερεῦσι τοῖς φυλάσσουσι τὴν φυλακὴν τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου ἐκεῖνοί εἰσιν οἱ υἱοὶ Σαδδουκ οἱ ἐγγίζοντες ἐκ τοῦ Λευι πρὸς κύριον λειτουργεῖν αὐτῷ(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:46 The chamber which faces north is for the priests who have charge of the altar; these are the sons of Zadok, from the sons of Levi, who come near the Lord to minister to Him."(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:47 ============
Eze 40:47 He measured the court, a perfect square, a hundred cubits long and a hundred cubits wide; and the altar was in front of the temple.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:47 So he measured the fore courte, which had in length an C cubites, and as moch in bredth by the foure corners. Now the aulter stode before the house:(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:47 So he measured the court, an hundreth cubites long, & an hundreth cubits broad, eue foure square: likewise the altar that was before ye house.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:47 So he measured the court, which had in length a hundred cubites, and a hundred in breadth, euen fouresquare: and the aulter stoode before the house.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:47 So he measured the court, an hundred cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad, foursquare; and the altar that was before the house.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:47 And he measured the court, the length a hundred cubits, and the breadth a hundred cubits, four square: and the altar was before the house.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:47 And he measured the court, a hundred cubits long, and a hundred cubits broad, foursquare; and the altar was before the house.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:47 Next he measured the court. It was square, a hundred cubits long and a hundred cubits wide. And the altar was in front of the temple.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:47 Et mensus est atrium longitudine centum cubitorum, et latitudine centum cubitorum per quadrum: et altare ante faciem templi.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:47 Und er maß den Vorhof, nämlich hundert Ellen lang und hundert Ellen breit ins Gevierte; und der Altar stand vorn vor dem Tempel.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:47 καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὴν αὐλὴν μῆκος πήχεων ἑκατὸν καὶ εὖρος πήχεων ἑκατὸν ἐπὶ τὰ τέσσαρα μέρη αὐτῆς καὶ τὸ θυσιαστήριον ἀπέναντι τοῦ οἴκου(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:47 And he measured the court, one hundred cubits long and one hundred cubits wide, foursquare. The altar was in front of the temple.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:48 ============
Eze 40:48 Then he brought me to the porch of the temple and measured each side pillar of the porch, five cubits on each side; and the width of the gate was three cubits on each side.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:48 And he brought me to the fore entre of the house, and measured the walles by the entre dore: which were fyue cubites longe on ether syde. The thicknesse also of the dore on ether syde, was thre cubites.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:48 And hee brought mee to the porch of the house, and measured the postes of the porch, fiue cubites on this side, and fiue cubites on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubites on this side, and three cubites on that side.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:48 And he brought me to the porche of the house, and measured the porche fiue cubites on this side, and fiue cubites on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubites on this side, and three cubites on that side.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:48 And he brought me to the porch of the house, and measured each post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:48 And he brought me to the porch of the house; and he measured the post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side; and the breadth of the gate, three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:48 Then he brought me to the porch of the house, and measured each post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:48 Then he brought me to the portico of the temple and measured the side pillars of the portico to be five cubits on each side. The width of the gateway was fourteen cubits and its sidewalls were three cubits on either side.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:48 Et introduxit me in vestibulum templi: et mensus est vestibulum quinque cubitis hinc, et quinque cubitis inde: et latitudinem portæ trium cubitorum hinc, et trium cubitorum inde.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:48 Und er führte mich hinein zur Halle des Tempels und maß die Pfeiler der Halle fünf Ellen auf jeder Seite und das Tor vierzehn Ellen, und die Wände zu beiden Seiten an der Tür drei Ellen auf jeder Seite.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:48 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με εἰς τὸ αιλαμ τοῦ οἴκου καὶ διεμέτρησεν τὸ αιλ τοῦ αιλαμ πηχῶν πέντε τὸ πλάτος ἔνθεν καὶ πηχῶν πέντε ἔνθεν καὶ τὸ εὖρος τοῦ θυρώματος πηχῶν δέκα τεσσάρων καὶ ἐπωμίδες τῆς θύρας τοῦ αιλαμ πηχῶν τριῶν ἔνθεν καὶ πηχῶν τριῶν ἔνθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:48 Then he brought me to the vestibule of the temple and measured the doorposts of the vestibule, five cubits on this side and five cubits on that side; and the width of the gateway was three cubits on this side and three cubits on that side.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 40:49 ============
Eze 40:49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits and the width eleven cubits; and at the stairway by which it was ascended were columns belonging to the side pillars, one on each side.(NASB-1995)
Eze 40:49 The legth of the porche was xx cubites. the bredth xj. cubites, and vpon steppes went men vp to it: by the walles also were pilers, on either syde one.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 40:49 The length of the porch was twentie cubites, and ye breadth eleuen cubites, & he brought me by the steps whereby they went vp to it, and there were pillars by the postes, one on this side, and another on that side.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 40:49 The length of the porche was twentie cubites, the breadth eleuen cubites, and by steps went men vp to it: by the frontes also were pillers, one on this side, and another on that side.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 40:49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits, and he brought me by the steps whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and another on that side.(KJV-1611)
Eze 40:49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits, even by the steps whereby they went up to it; and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and one on that side.(Darby-1890)
Eze 40:49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits; even by the steps whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and another on that side.(ASV-1901)
Eze 40:49 The portico was twenty cubits wide and twelve cubits deep, and ten steps led up to it. There were columns by the side pillars, one on each side.(Berean-2021)
Eze 40:49 Longitudinem autem vestibuli viginti cubitorum, et latitudinem undecim cubitorum, et octo gradibus ascendebatur ad eam. Et columnæ erant in frontibus: una hinc, et altera inde.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 40:49 Aber die Halle war zwanzig Ellen lang und elf Ellen weit und hatte Stufen, da man hinaufging; und Säulen standen an den Pfeilern, auf jeder Seite eine.(Luther-1545)
Eze 40:49 καὶ τὸ μῆκος τοῦ αιλαμ πηχῶν εἴκοσι καὶ τὸ εὖρος πηχῶν δώδεκα καὶ ἐπὶ δέκα ἀναβαθμῶν ἀνέβαινον ἐπ᾽ αὐτό καὶ στῦλοι ἦσαν ἐπὶ τὸ αιλαμ εἷς ἔνθεν καὶ εἷς ἔνθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 40:49 The length of the vestibule was twenty cubits, and the width eleven cubits; and by the steps which led up to it there were pillars by the doorposts, one on this side and another on that side.(NKJV-1982)

======= Ezekiel 41:1 ============
Eze 41:1 Then he brought me to the nave and measured the side pillars; six cubits wide on each side was the width of the side pillar.(NASB-1995)
Eze 41:1 After this he brought me to the temple, and measured the postes: which were of both the sydes vj. cubites thicke, acordinge to the wydenesse of the tabernacle.(Coverdale-1535)
Eze 41:1 Afterwarde, hee brought mee to the Temple, and measured the postes, sixe cubites broade on the one side, and sixe cubites broad on the other side, which was the breadth of the Tabernacle.(Geneva-1560)
Eze 41:1 After this he brought me to the temple, and measured the frontes sixe cubites broade on the one side, and sixe cubites broade on the other side, which was the breadth of the tabernacle.(Bishops-1568)
Eze 41:1 Afterward he brought me to the temple, and measured the posts, six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other side, which was the breadth of the tabernacle.(KJV-1611)
Eze 41:1 And he brought me to the temple; and he measured the posts, six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other side, the breadth of the tent.(Darby-1890)
Eze 41:1 And he brought me to the temple, and measured the posts, six cubits broad on the one side, and six cubits broad on the other side, which was the breadth of the tabernacle.(ASV-1901)
Eze 41:1 Then the man brought me into the outer sanctuary and measured the side pillars to be six cubits wide on each side.(Berean-2021)
Eze 41:1 Et introduxit me in templum, et mensus est frontes: sex cubitos latitudinis hinc, et sex cubitos latitudinis inde, latitudinem tabernaculi.(Latin-405AD)
Eze 41:1 Und er führte mich hinein in den Tempel und maß die Pfeiler an den Wänden; die waren zu jeder Seite sechs Ellen breit, soweit das Haus war.(Luther-1545)
Eze 41:1 καὶ εἰσήγαγέν με εἰς τὸν ναόν ᾧ διεμέτρησεν τὸ αιλαμ πηχῶν ἓξ τὸ πλάτος ἔνθεν καὶ πηχῶν ἓξ τὸ εὖρος τοῦ αιλαμ ἔνθεν(LXX-132BC)
Eze 41:1 Then he brought me into the sanctuary and measured the doorposts, six cubits wide on one side and six cubits wide on the other side--the width of the tabernacle.(NKJV-1982)

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"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960-2022 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission."
"Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved."