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======= 2 John 1:1 ============
2Jn 1:1 The elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all who know the truth, (nas)
2Jn 1:1 ὁ πρεσβύτερος ἐκλεκτῇ κυρίᾳ καὶ τοῖς τέκνοις αὐτῆς, οὓς ἐγὼ ἀγαπῶ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ, καὶ οὐκ ἐγὼ μόνος ἀλλὰ καὶ πάντες οἱ ἐγνωκότες τὴν ἀλήθειαν, (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:1 ο πρεσβυτερος εκλεκτη κυρια και τοις τεκνοις αυτης ους εγω αγαπω εν αληθεια και ουκ εγω μονος αλλα και παντες οι εγνωκοτες την αληθειαν (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:1 o presbuterov eklekth kuria kai toiv teknoiv authv ouv egw agapw en alhyeia kai ouk egw monov alla kai pantev oi egnwkotev thn alhyeian (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:1 Senior Electæ dominæ, et natis ejus, quos ego diligo in veritate, et non ego solus, sed et omnes qui cognoverunt veritatem,(vulgate)
2 John 1:1 The Elder to the elect Lady, and her children, whom I loue in the trueth: and not I onely, but also all that haue knowen the trueth,(Geneva)
2Jn 1:1 Der Älteste: der auserwählten Frau und ihren Kindern, die ich liebhabe in der Wahrheit, und nicht allein ich sondern auch alle, die die Wahrheit erkannt haben,(dhs)
2Jn 1:1 The Elder, To the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all those who have known the truth,(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:2 ============
2Jn 1:2 for the sake of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever: (nas)
2Jn 1:2 διὰ τὴν ἀλήθειαν τὴν μένουσαν ἐν ἡμῖν, καὶ μεθ᾽ ἡμῶν ἔσται εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:2 δια την αληθειαν την μενουσαν εν ημιν και μεθ ημων εσται εις τον αιωνα (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:2 dia thn alhyeian thn menousan en hmin kai mey hmwn estai eiv ton aiwna (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:2 propter veritatem, quæ permanet in nobis, et nobiscum erit in æternum.(vulgate)
2 John 1:2 For the trueths sake which dwelleth in vs, and shalbe with vs for euer:(Geneva)
2Jn 1:2 um der Wahrheit willen, die in uns bleibt und bei uns sein wird in Ewigkeit.(dhs)
2Jn 1:2 because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever:(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:3 ============
2Jn 1:3 Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. (nas)
2Jn 1:3 ἔσται μεθ᾽ ἡμῶν χάρις ἔλεος εἰρήνη παρὰ θεοῦ πατρός, καὶ παρὰ ἰησοῦ χριστοῦ τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ πατρός, ἐν ἀληθείᾳ καὶ ἀγάπῃ. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:3 εσται μεθ {VAR1: ημων } {VAR2: υμων } χαρις ελεος ειρηνη παρα θεου πατρος και παρα κυριου ιησου χριστου του υιου του πατρος εν αληθεια και αγαπη (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:3 estai mey hmwn cariv eleov eirhnh para yeou patrov kai para kuriou ihsou cristou tou uiou tou patrov en alhyeia kai agaph (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:3 Sit vobiscum gratia, misericordia, pax a Deo Patre, et a Christo Jesu Filio Patris in veritate, et caritate.~(vulgate)
2 John 1:3 Grace be with you, mercie and peace from God the Father, and from the Lorde Iesus Christ the Sonne of the Father, with trueth and loue.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:3 Gnade, Barmherzigkeit, Friede von Gott, dem Vater, und von dem HERRN Jesus Christus, dem Sohn des Vaters, in der Wahrheit und in der Liebe, sei mit euch!(dhs)
2Jn 1:3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:4 ============
2Jn 1:4 I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth, just as we have received commandment to do from the Father. (nas)
2Jn 1:4 ἐχάρην λίαν ὅτι εὕρηκα ἐκ τῶν τέκνων σου περιπατοῦντας ἐν ἀληθείᾳ, καθὼς ἐντολὴν ἐλάβομεν παρὰ τοῦ πατρός. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:4 εχαρην λιαν οτι ευρηκα εκ των τεκνων σου περιπατουντας εν αληθεια καθως εντολην ελαβομεν παρα του πατρος (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:4 ecarhn lian oti eurhka ek twn teknwn sou peripatountav en alhyeia kaywv entolhn elabomen para tou patrov (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:4 Gavisus sum valde, quoniam inveni de filiis tuis ambulantes in veritate, sicut mandatum accepimus a Patre.(vulgate)
2 John 1:4 I reioyced greatly, that I founde of thy children walking in trueth, as we haue receiued a commandement of the Father.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:4 Ich bin erfreut, daß ich gefunden habe unter deinen Kindern, die in der Wahrheit wandeln, wie denn wir ein Gebot vom Vater empfangen haben.(dhs)
2Jn 1:4 I rejoiced greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth, as we received commandment from the Father.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:5 ============
2Jn 1:5 Now I ask you, lady, not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another. (nas)
2Jn 1:5 καὶ νῦν ἐρωτῶ σε, κυρία, οὐχ ὡς ἐντολὴν καινὴν γράφων σοι ἀλλὰ ἣν εἴχομεν ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς, ἵνα ἀγαπῶμεν ἀλλήλους. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:5 και νυν ερωτω σε κυρια ουχ ως εντολην {VAR1: γραφω } {VAR2: γραφων } σοι καινην αλλα ην ειχομεν απ αρχης ινα αγαπωμεν αλληλους (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:5 kai nun erwtw se kuria ouc wv entolhn grafwn soi kainhn alla hn eicomen ap archv ina agapwmen allhlouv (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:5 Et nunc rogo te domina, non tamquam mandatum novum scribens tibi, sed quod habuimus ab initio, ut diligamus alterutrum.(vulgate)
2 John 1:5 And nowe beseeche I thee, Lady, (not as writing a newe commandement vnto thee, but that same which we had from the beginning) that we loue one another.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:5 Und nun bitte ich dich, Frau (nicht als schriebe ich dir ein neues Gebot, sondern das wir gehabt haben von Anfang), daß wir uns untereinander lieben.(dhs)
2Jn 1:5 And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: that we love one another.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:6 ============
2Jn 1:6 And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it. (nas)
2Jn 1:6 καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ ἀγάπη, ἵνα περιπατῶμεν κατὰ τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ· αὕτη ἡ ἐντολή ἐστιν, καθὼς ἠκούσατε ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς, ἵνα ἐν αὐτῇ περιπατῆτε. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:6 και αυτη εστιν η αγαπη ινα περιπατωμεν κατα τας εντολας αυτου αυτη εστιν η εντολη καθως ηκουσατε απ αρχης ινα εν αυτη περιπατητε (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:6 kai auth estin h agaph ina peripatwmen kata tav entolav autou auth estin h entolh kaywv hkousate ap archv ina en auth peripathte (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:6 Et hæc est caritas, ut ambulemus secundum mandata ejus. Hoc est enim mandatum, ut quemadmodum audistis ab initio, in eo ambuletis.~(vulgate)
2 John 1:6 And this is that loue, that we should walke after his commandements. This commandement is, that as ye haue heard from the beginning, ye should walke in it.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:6 Und das ist die Liebe, daß wir wandeln nach seinem Gebot; das ist das Gebot, wie ihr gehört habt von Anfang, daß ihr in derselben wandeln sollt.(dhs)
2Jn 1:6 This is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:7 ============
2Jn 1:7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. (nas)
2Jn 1:7 ὅτι πολλοὶ πλάνοι ἐξῆλθον εἰς τὸν κόσμον, οἱ μὴ ὁμολογοῦντες ἰησοῦν χριστὸν ἐρχόμενον ἐν σαρκί· οὖτός ἐστιν ὁ πλάνος καὶ ὁ ἀντίχριστος. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:7 οτι πολλοι πλανοι εισηλθον εις τον κοσμον οι μη ομολογουντες ιησουν χριστον ερχομενον εν σαρκι ουτος εστιν ο πλανος και ο αντιχριστος (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:7 oti polloi planoi eishlyon eiv ton kosmon oi mh omologountev ihsoun criston ercomenon en sarki outov estin o planov kai o anticristov (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:7 Quoniam multi seductores exierunt in mundum, qui non confitentur Jesum Christum venisse in carnem: hic est seductor, et antichristus.(vulgate)
2 John 1:7 For many deceiuers are entred into this worlde, which confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh. He that is such one, is a deceiuer and an Antichrist.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:7 Denn viele Verführer sind in die Welt gekommen, die nicht bekennen Jesum Christum, daß er in das Fleisch gekommen ist. Das ist der Verführer und der Widerchrist.(dhs)
2Jn 1:7 For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:8 ============
2Jn 1:8 Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. (nas)
2Jn 1:8 βλέπετε ἑαυτούς, ἵνα μὴ ἀπολέσητε ἃ εἰργασάμεθα ἀλλὰ μισθὸν πλήρη ἀπολάβητε. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:8 βλεπετε εαυτους ινα μη απολεσωμεν α ειργασαμεθα αλλα μισθον πληρη απολαβωμεν (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:8 blepete eautouv ina mh apoleswmen a eirgasameya alla misyon plhrh apolabwmen (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:8 Videte vosmetipsos, ne perdatis quæ operati estis: sed ut mercedem plenam accipiatis.(vulgate)
2 John 1:8 Looke to your selues, that we lose not the things which we haue done, but that we may receiue full reward.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:8 Sehet euch vor, daß wir nicht verlieren, was wir erarbeitet haben, sondern vollen Lohn empfangen.(dhs)
2Jn 1:8 Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:9 ============
2Jn 1:9 Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. (nas)
2Jn 1:9 πᾶς ὁ προάγων καὶ μὴ μένων ἐν τῇ διδαχῇ τοῦ χριστοῦ θεὸν οὐκ ἔχει· ὁ μένων ἐν τῇ διδαχῇ, οὖτος καὶ τὸν πατέρα καὶ τὸν υἱὸν ἔχει. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:9 πας ο παραβαινων και μη μενων εν τη διδαχη του χριστου θεον ουκ εχει ο μενων εν τη διδαχη του χριστου ουτος και τον πατερα και τον υιον εχει (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:9 pav o parabainwn kai mh menwn en th didach tou cristou yeon ouk ecei o menwn en th didach tou cristou outov kai ton patera kai ton uion ecei (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:9 Omnis qui recedit, et non permanet in doctrina Christi, Deum non habet: qui permanet in doctrina, hic et Patrem et Filium habet.(vulgate)
2 John 1:9 Whosoeuer transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Sonne.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:9 Wer übertritt und bleibt nicht in der Lehre Christi, der hat keinen Gott; wer in der Lehre Christi bleibt, der hat beide, den Vater und den Sohn.(dhs)
2Jn 1:9 Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:10 ============
2Jn 1:10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; (nas)
2Jn 1:10 εἴ τις ἔρχεται πρὸς ὑμᾶς καὶ ταύτην τὴν διδαχὴν οὐ φέρει, μὴ λαμβάνετε αὐτὸν εἰς οἰκίαν καὶ χαίρειν αὐτῶ μὴ λέγετε· (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:10 ει τις ερχεται προς υμας και ταυτην την διδαχην ου φερει μη λαμβανετε αυτον εις οικιαν και χαιρειν αυτω μη λεγετε (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:10 ei tiv ercetai prov umav kai tauthn thn didachn ou ferei mh lambanete auton eiv oikian kai cairein autw mh legete (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:10 Si quis venit ad vos, et hanc doctrinam non affert, nolite recipere eum in domum, nec Ave ei dixeritis.(vulgate)
2 John 1:10 If there come any vnto you, and bring not this doctrine, receiue him not to house, neither bid him, God speede:(Geneva)
2Jn 1:10 So jemand zu euch kommt und bringt diese Lehre nicht, den nehmet nicht ins Haus und grüßet ihn auch nicht.(dhs)
2Jn 1:10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him;(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:11 ============
2Jn 1:11 for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds. (nas)
2Jn 1:11 ὁ λέγων γὰρ αὐτῶ χαίρειν κοινωνεῖ τοῖς ἔργοις αὐτοῦ τοῖς πονηροῖς. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:11 ο γαρ λεγων αυτω χαιρειν κοινωνει τοις εργοις αυτου τοις πονηροις (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:11 o gar legwn autw cairein koinwnei toiv ergoiv autou toiv ponhroiv (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:11 Qui enim dicit illi Ave, communicat operibus ejus malignis.~(vulgate)
2 John 1:11 For he that biddeth him, God speede, is partaker of his euill deedes.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:11 Denn wer ihn grüßt, der macht sich teilhaftig seiner bösen Werke.(dhs)
2Jn 1:11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:12 ============
2Jn 1:12 Though I have many things to write to you, I do not want to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, so that your joy may be made full. (nas)
2Jn 1:12 πολλὰ ἔχων ὑμῖν γράφειν οὐκ ἐβουλήθην διὰ χάρτου καὶ μέλανος, ἀλλὰ ἐλπίζω γενέσθαι πρὸς ὑμᾶς καὶ στόμα πρὸς στόμα λαλῆσαι, ἵνα ἡ χαρὰ ἡμῶν πεπληρωμένη ᾖ. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:12 πολλα εχων υμιν γραφειν ουκ ηβουληθην δια χαρτου και μελανος αλλα ελπιζω ελθειν προς υμας και στομα προς στομα λαλησαι ινα η χαρα ημων η πεπληρωμενη (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:12 polla ecwn umin grafein ouk eboulhyhn dia cartou kai melanov alla elpizw elyein prov umav kai stoma prov stoma lalhsai ina h cara hmwn h peplhrwmenh (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:12 Plura habens vobis scribere, nolui per cartam et atramentum: spero enim me futurum apud vos, et os ad os loqui: ut gaudium vestrum plenum sit.(vulgate)
2 John 1:12 Although I had many things to write vnto you, yet I woulde not write with paper & ynke: but I trust to come vnto you, & speake mouth to mouth, that our ioy may be full.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:12 Ich hatte euch viel zu schreiben, aber ich wollte nicht mit Briefen und Tinte; sondern ich hoffe, zu euch zu kommen und mündlich mit euch reden, auf daß unsere Freude vollkommen sei.(dhs)
2Jn 1:12 Having many things to write to you, I did not wish to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.(nkjv)

======= 2 John 1:13 ============
2Jn 1:13 The children of your chosen sister greet you. (nas)
2Jn 1:13 ἀσπάζεταί σε τὰ τέκνα τῆς ἀδελφῆς σου τῆς ἐκλεκτῆς. (Nestle-Aland)
2Jn 1:13 ασπαζεται σε τα τεκνα της αδελφης σου της εκλεκτης αμην (Textus Receptus)
2Jn 1:13 aspazetai se ta tekna thv adelfhv sou thv eklekthv amhn (Byz translitr)
2Jn 1:13 Salutant te filii sororis tuæ Electæ.(vulgate)
2 John 1:13 The sonnes of thine elect sister greete thee, Amen.(Geneva)
2Jn 1:13 Es grüßen dich die Kinder deiner Schwester, der Auserwählten. Amen.(dhs)
2Jn 1:13 The children of your elect sister greet you. Amen.(nkjv)
3Jn 1:1 The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth. (nas)
3Jn 1:1 ὁ πρεσβύτερος γαΐῳ τῶ ἀγαπητῶ, ὃν ἐγὼ ἀγαπῶ ἐν ἀληθείᾳ. (Nestle-Aland)
3Jn 1:1 ο πρεσβυτερος γαιω τω αγαπητω ον εγω αγαπω εν αληθεια (Textus Receptus)
3Jn 1:1 o presbuterov gaiw tw agaphtw on egw agapw en alhyeia (Byz translitr)
3Jn 1:1 Senior Gajo carissimo, quem ego diligo in veritate.(vulgate)
3Jn 1:1 Der Älteste: Gajus, dem Lieben, den ich liebhabe in der Wahrheit.(dhs)
3Jn 1:1 The Elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth:(nkjv)

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