CHAPTERS in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian in this order:
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======= Psalm 131:1 ============
Psa 131:1 A Song of Ascents. Of David. Lord, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me.(nkjv)
诗篇 131:1 (大衛上行之詩。) 耶和華啊,我的心不狂傲,我的眼不高大;重大和測不透的事,我也不敢行。 (cn-t)
詩篇 131:1 主よ、わが心はおごらず、わが目は高ぶらず、 わたしはわが力の及ばない大いなる事と くすしきわざとに関係いたしません。 (JP)
Psalms 131:1 (성전에 올라가는 노래) 여호와여, 내 마음이 교만치 아니하고 내 눈이 높지 아니하오며 내가 큰 일과 미치지 못할 기이한 일을 힘쓰지 아니하나이다 (KR)
Псалтирь 131:1 (130:1) Песнь восхождения. Давида. Господи! не надмевалось сердце моеи не возносились очи мои, и я не входил в великое и для меня недосягаемое.(RU)
======= Psalm 131:2 ============
Psa 131:2 Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me.(nkjv)
诗篇 131:2 我的心平穩安靜,好像斷過奶的孩子在他母親的懷中;我的心在我裏面真像斷過奶的孩子。 (cn-t)
詩篇 131:2 かえって、乳離れしたみどりごが、 その母のふところに安らかにあるように、 わたしはわが魂を静め、かつ安らかにしました。 わが魂は乳離れしたみどりごのように、安らかです。 (JP)
Psalms 131:2 실로 내가 내 심령으로 고요하고 평온케 하기를 젖 뗀 아이가 그 어미 품에 있음 같게 하였나니 내 중심이 젖 뗀 아이와 같도다 (KR)
Псалтирь 131:2 (130:2) Не смирял ли я и не успокаивал ли души моей, как дитяти, отнятого от груди матери? душа моя была во мне, как дитя, отнятое от груди.(RU)
======= Psalm 131:3 ============
Psa 131:3 O Israel, hope in the Lord From this time forth and forever.(nkjv)
诗篇 131:3 以色列啊,你當仰望 耶和華,從今時直到永遠! (cn-t)
詩篇 131:3 イスラエルよ、今からとこしえに 主によって望みをいだけ。 (JP)
Psalms 131:3 이스라엘아 ! 지금부터 영원까지 여호와를 바랄지어다 (KR)
Псалтирь 131:3 (130:3) Да уповает Израиль на Господа отныне и вовек.(RU)
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- (CN) - Chinese KJV (TRADITIONAL) - Public Domain
- (JP) - Kougo-yaku This Bible is in the Public Domain. Japanese translation.
- (KR) - This Bible is in the Public Domain. Korean translation.
- (RU) - This Bible is in the Public Domain. Russian translation.
- (nkjv) - Updated KJV - New King James Version NKJV - Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
- (nasb) - The most accurate translation: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® Copyright © 1960-1995 The Lockman Foundation. Used by Permission.
- (F) - FRENCH: Louis Segond 1910 - Public Domain LSG-French
- (E) - SPANISH: Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS - Rights Reserved - Copyright 2010 RVG-Spanish
- (SA) - Arabic - Smith Van Dyke This Bible is in the Public Domain.
- (IN) - Hindi - Indian Revised Version - available under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
- (PT) - PORTUGUESE - Biblia Livre This Bible is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Brazil License.
By presenting these translations by chapter it provides easier navigation and complies with copyright permissions.
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- EASTASIA: Read English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian
- Chapters: Quick link to all NASB chapters for STUDY
- STUDY: Read a chapter with the NASB above; and KJV, NAS & Greek in parallel below
- READ: READ a chapter in parallel: KJV, NAS & Greek
- HOMESCHOOL: For Language and Bible Study: English, Latin, Spanish, French, German, and Greek translations by chapter
- COMPARE NT GREEK: STUDY a chapter with each verse in NASB, NKJV, German and Greek (LXX, Nestle-Aland & Textus Receptus)
- GREEK, LATIN & GERMAN: STUDY by chapter: NASB, Greek ( LXX & Nestle-Aland ), Latin, German and NKJV
- LATIN, SPANISH & FRENCH: Study by chapter: NASB, Latin, Spanish, French & NKJV chapters
- Through the Bible in ONE year:
- ONE YEAR: Read through the Bible in ONE YEAR, just a few chapters a day.
- CHRONYR: Read through the Bible in ONE YEAR in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
- MIKRAH: Read the Old Testament in the Hebrew order
NOTE: Screen shots of some of the versions are shown further below.
- Foreign languages for personal study with copyrights used by permission:
- WORLD: The official 6 UN languages plus 2 others that have been proposed:
Langages listed below are in the order presented in each verse, chapter by chapter, order was determined mostly by the order accepted by the UN:
English 18.8%, French 3.4%, Spanish 6.9%, Chinese 13.8%, Russian 3.2%, Arabic 3.4%, Hindi 7.5%, Portuguese 3.2%
(The percentages are the people of the world speaking that language - circa 2023)
- VN-EN: Vietnamese Cadman Bible with NASB by chapter
Bible TEACHINGS from three different Bible Teaching "book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse" Churches on MP3
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